
Most of the world enjoy single payer health care,why don't the United states join in?

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single payer health care seem to be the way to go,yet our country would rather pay the pharmacutical companies, why?




  1. I would like to see the data on "most of the world" enjoying (or even having) single payer health care.  I would be surprised if most of the world had adequate access to any type of healthcare.

  2. Where healthcare is concerned, I feel that it should have been socialized a very long time ago. It would be a been a great benefit to the people of this country. BUT!!!!! But, since the majority of Americans are saddled with taxes they cannot afford, food prices going up and the housing market going down, this would most likely be the coffin nail for many of the impoverished people of the United States. One can say until they are blue in the face, that we are doing well, but that is likely because only they are doing well.

    Capitalism is a good thing. But the corporations are lawless, godless, and heartless. It seems to me that we should enjoy the health care system as it stands. We can't go back. And if we nationalize it at this point, it is only going to make us even more dependent on the government. And truly, the goverment is nothing more than a corporation too. So what ever provides the most gain and the least loss for them while ultimate determine those policies. Vote for who ever you want. But eventually, someone will put that final nail in that coffin. The only thing we should be worried about is trying to forestall government intrustion is any aspect of our life, let alone healthcare. It's no longer the country my father and my grandfather loved.

  3. I think the real reason is our priorities.  The US has a particular kind of capitalism.  It has affected our culture and our values.  Our highest priority is profit and return on investment.  Things are 'good' which contribute to wealth and profit.  Things are 'bad' which either don't contribute or which cost money.  I don't think we even realize how much we feel this way!

    For instance, we don't really value children because they don't work, they don't contribute to the economy.  We don't appreciate art or beauty.  We look at a forest or a river only in terms of how it can be used to make money.  Any other way to use resources is called 'socialistic', which in the US is a bad word.

    When it comes to health care, just like everything else, our yardstick is profit.  Conservatives brag that we have the best health care system in the world.  We are something like 18th in life expectancy and we have a higher infant mortality than Costa Rica or Cuba.  But to them our system is the best in the world because it makes the most profits!  In every other country the highest priority is HEALTH CARE.

    Many politicians, in both parties, have proposed health care reform ideas.  All of them share a common theme--having the US pay existing insurance companies their going rate to insure the uninsured.  So everyone gets insured, but the health insurance industry continues to make hundreds of billions of dollars of profit, their stocks go up, their executives continue to get their 9- and 10-figure salaries.  8^<

  4. Because, generally speaking, U.S. citizens do not want to have the deaths of innocents on their hands that socialized health care creates.

  5. Just because someone does something does not mean you should follow or else you are just a lemming you need to examine for yourself. By all practical means I can talk about universal health care because I have lived in both England and Canada the bottom line be careful what you wish for if if does come here there WILL be rationing. the wealthy will opt out paying there own way taking the best doctors and facilities with them.

    The rest of us will be left to contend with long waits for care mediocre doctors, and the inability to sue these government doctors when they s***w up. If you don't believe this scenario look at the difference between government housing  and housing you pay for if that don't snap you out of your pipe dream nothing will.

  6. Because the Republicans in this country have blocked every effort to cover every American and give them a basic human need>



  7. Considering how the other countries single payer systems are falling apart.

    Where people from Canada are coming here for treatement.

    Kids in England have to have bake sales so their dad can get his meds for cancer treatment.

    This government's treatment during Katernia are the same people with your health care.

    I don't think so.

  8. It is actually a bad idea.

  9. Because we are not a democracy, and have never been one.  We were, but are no longer a republic.  We are an oligarchy and the US based transnational corporations run the government.

    They do not perceive single payer health care as in their vested interest which means they will lose too much money.  They fought hard for Ronald Reagan to privatize health care they will not give it up.

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