
Most of us know what a bos'n does on a ship...?

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..but what does the coxwain do??




  1. You be the boss and I will look after the cox!

  2. Bonjour

    The Naval Police Coxswains (NPC) category is responsible for the policing function in establishments and ships.

    aurevoir my friend

  3. In sailing days the coxswain was in charge of the navigation and steering of the ship. In the modern navy, he is in charge of running small auxiliary boats sometime carried aboard larger naval vessels or in charge of small harbor dispatch boats. Coxswain is a title and not a rank.

  4. In the Merchant and Royal Navy the coxswain is the person who is responsible for the steering of the craft, large or small.

    In the RN, he is the usually the senior Junior Rating on the vessel, and is the link between the Ratings and Officers.

    In the RNLI, the coxswain is the person in charge of the lifeboat.

    In a rowing crew, the coxswain (or simply the cox) is the member who sits in the stern (except in bowloaders) facing the bow, steers the boat, and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers.

    A coxswain or cockswain was at first the swain (boy servant) in charge of the small c**k or cockboat that was kept aboard for the ship's captain and which was used to row him to and from the ship. The term has been in use in England dating back to at least 1463. With the passing of time the coxswain became the helmsman of any boat, regardless of size

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