
Most people don't make money in the market but the ones Who CONSISTENTLY do what they have in common ?

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some beat the market and i was thinking most are probably traders or invest in index's!! What do you think????? There is only a small percent that consistently beat it like 2% what do they have in common and do to win?




  1. They have spent a long time developing an edge/system to help give them better odds of success.

  2. I think it's a discipline to stick with their convictions and not allowing their emotions to get to them.

  3. What separates the consistent winners from the rest is that they have PAID THE PRICE.

    It took a long time for them to get where they are. Even if they tell you what it is they do, and you did everything they tell you, you still wouldn't make money the way they do.

    Richard Dennis once said that even if he were to publish his methods in the newspaper for everyone to see, they still wound't be able to make money the way he did. If you are familiar with the story of the turtles trading group, you will find that not all of the turtles made good.

    Winning in the markets is Inside-Out. It is who you are, not just doing what the winners are doing and how they do it.

    Hope this helps.

    - Jim

  4. They don't lose their money.

    I know it sound silly, but I'm serious.  If you lose all your money today, you can't play tomorrow.  Successful traders are fanatical about loss control.  Anybody can have good trades that make money, but what do they do when a bad trade comes along?  Unsuccessful traders get crazy and do a lot of self destructive things, like doubling down, or "hoping" it will come back, or taking some time off and seeing how it's doing next week, or deciding it's a "long term investment", or something else that doesn't involve them being wrong.  They think that trading is about picking winners and go into a position with no exit strategy.

    Successful traders all do the same thing: they say, "I was wrong", and get rid of the position and go back to looking for the next trade.  Successful traders have their exit strategy defined before they enter the position.

  5. The people who make consistent profits have brain, intelligence and a good broker. Sometimes if we have good trading skills we do not make profit because of the bad trading system, slow processing or less leverage. Therefore with the skills one should have good brokers as well.

    Like i am having FINEXO. It has not only managed my funds well but with more advance facilities like technical charts, mobile alerts and market updates it has refined my trading skills. I am earning a consistent returns of 12% on my investment.

  6. They have very large bank accounts

  7. They understand risk and how to manage it.

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