
Most people have travelled on boats, ships and ferries but who has?

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actually been on board a submarine and submerged below the ocean surface?




  1. Looked around a sub and 2/3rds of it was underwater, so don`t know if that meets the criteria. Never been in one with the hatches closed.

    Think you have to be of a special temperament to survive in one for any length of time.

  2. Not me.

  3. I've been on one of those tourist submarines when I was in Barbados.  They take you down over a reef so you can see all the marine life.  I actually got quite seasick.

  4. Not me.  Submarines freak the h**l outta me.  I can't even look at them on television.  I can't watch a movie that's set aboard one.  I'm having an anxiety attack and can't look up at my computer because the word is up on my screen right now..

  5. I have

  6. r.n subs and suface ships :) not great on subs but the most important thing is getting on with yer crew

  7. My Dad was in the Navy and during the later years of the War, there were a couple of subs in Bristol Harbour.

    I don't know if they were open to the public generally or if we were allowed to look over because of his naval career.

    I was only a little girl and totally fascinated - it was, to me, then like a big "den" and I really wanted one as a play house!

    Living conditions were certainly very cramped, but maybe that's what started my love of narrow boats - ours has only a 19 foot cabin for everything.

    We didn't go anywhere in the sub so the nearest I've been to it are the underground aquaria where you walk around with fish swimming above you.

  8. Only two or three tied to piers.  Lots of metal surfaces, noisy,

    crowded with machinery so man-rated spaces come as if an afterthought but these conditions generated no ill feelings in me.  Lacking social graces I'd be poor fit for Naval crew.  I'm good at one-on-one with men and metal so ship a 'Divine Wind' Long Lance torpedo and I'd be your best choice.

  9. i did about 30 years ago in portsmouth we went on one they asked parents if we wanted to go under water it was great dont no if they do it these days

  10. I was shown around a nuclear submarine a few years ago and it was SO claustrophobic that I was glad to get off it. The thought of actually being under the ocean and not able to get off gave me the screaming abdabs!

  11. Never, I should imagine it's a great experience although a little claustrophobic.

  12. Always wanted to do that - it must be fantastic.

  13. I do not see the appeal, personally and I would not do it.

  14. i have.. many times.. only east coast ppl do that though

  15. I've been on a ferry (to alcatraz), I've been on a rhib boat and I pretty much lived on a Navy ship for about 3 years.

  16. Me, as a child in Disney World.

  17. thats one thing i have not been on.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I went in a sub during an excursion on a cruise in the Carribbean.  It wasnt that cool...kind of like a glass bottom boat that is completely enclosed.  Of course, we didnt go down that far and it was made for tourists.  We even got a little certificate.

  19. I haven't but I worked with a guy who did and he was nuts.

  20. not me. wouldn't mind though

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