
Most popular french king?

by Guest56774  |  earlier

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Most popular french king?




  1. Why the Sun King, of course. Louis XIV and I would consider  Marie Antoinette to be the most historically "popular" french queen and the most tragic...

  2. DEFINATLEY not Louis XVI, he and his wife Maire Antionette got guillatined! =)

  3. King Louis 16

  4. I'd have to say Louis XIV because of his popularity while alive and his lasting impact on modern day architecture, interior design and fashion.

    (PS to Me45404: Napoleon wasn't a king.  :D   )

  5. Napoleon

  6. le roi soleil: Louis XIV

  7. Louis XIV of France ranks as one of the most remarkable monarchs in history. He reigned for 72 years, 54 of them he personally controlled French government. The 17th century is labeled as the age of Louis XIV. Since then his rule has been hailed as the supreme example of a type of government - absolutism. He epitomized the ideal of kingship. During his reign France stabilized and became one of the strongest powers in Europe.

    During his reign France became the ideal culture since he put great care into its enhancement so he could boast it to the world. The country changed drastically from savage mediaeval ways to a more refined, exquisite living - evident from his palace in Versailles. Within 54 years he did what several kings worked on for centuries. French culture became one of the most appealing in the world, and the name Louis XIV has been associated with greatness and glory.

    Louis XIV was a great monarch, and he was capable of maintaining strong kingdom because he never, in his entire life, doubted his right to be king. His autocracy was indeed amazing, and truly an example of the kind. He lived and ruled as a king should have. Louis XIV became the ideal king, and many have tried unsuccessfully to live up to his glory.

    He is also known as The Sun King because it was thought that, just as the planets revolve around the Sun, so too should France and the Court revolve around him. As a result, he was associated with Apollo Helios, the Greco-Roman god of the Sun. This is also fitting because, as patron of the Arts, Louis was, like Apollo Musagetes, the "leader of the Muses".

  8. Charles V!

  9. There were other kings nicknamed "The Good", etc, but I think these fit the bill:

    Louis IX was the only French King to be made a saint, "and consequently there are many places named after him, most notably St. Louis, Missouri in the United States.  His piety and kindness towards the poor was much celebrated.   The prestige and respect felt in Europe for King Louis IX was due more to the attraction that his benevolent personality created rather than to military domination. For his contemporaries, he was the quintessential example of the Christian prince, and embodied the whole of Christendom in his person. His reputation of saintliness and fairness was already well established while he was alive."

    Henry IV (1553-1610) was one of the most popular.  "He proved to be a man of vision and courage. Instead of waging costly wars to suppress opposing nobles, Henri simply paid them off. As king, he adopted policies and undertook projects to improve the lives of all subjects, which made him one of the country's most popular rulers ever.

    Henry was nicknamed Henry the Great (Henri le Grand), and in France is sometimes called le bon roi Henri ("good king Henry") or le Vert galant ("the gallant Green")."

    Louis XV (1710-1774) was known as "the Well-Beloved" early in his reign, but died hated.  "Popular legend holds that Louis predicted, "After me, the deluge" ("Après moi, le déluge")."  His grandson reigned next, Louis XVI with his wife Marie Antoinette, and they were executed in the French Revolution.

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