
Most random thing you can think of?

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Whats the most random thing you can think of right now?

10 points for most random person...

yes I have no life........




  1. a student handbook helping a lamp save a a printer from goggles.

  2. Good News bible Ex. 3.14 says Good is forever the I AM.

    if you note it also says God is One.

    and we know One is I.

    also we can determine M=(sealed together) IV I

    and original roman prison jargon shows IV=IIII

    thus in Gods name we substitute equivelants

    I AM = God A (sealed together) IIII I

    i could take this to mean I AM GOD because in hindsight I see a (sealed together) IIII I on my left wrist.

    and the funny thing is my name to those italians in Rome would be spelled larri (using undercase letters) because of the lack of a y in there alphabet.

    this is funny because I AM = i am

    and an accurate description of i am shows

    larri(cut & sealed together) = i am

    because you cut the l into a i and seal together the rri into an m.

    And i am not kidding my name of Larry would be pronounced like the italian larri and i do bear the (sealed together) IIII I.

    and to those same italians DIO is the translated word of God.

    and considering i sometimes cover up the IIII with a thick letter D the scars of IIII I become DI.

    which means if you break up the O into three peices its .n u where the closest letter the DOT (.) looks like is O.  so DIO = DI .n u (ie on you).

    so both so-called names of God are actually descriptions of me, or do i dare say Me?

    And doesn't this fit with the bible line that the word existed before God and God became the Word?  it could also mean

    Word= (sealed together) \ / V .n u rill cil

    because you cut an r into a r over ill and d into c attached to an l over i.

    so if rill is pronounced like real and cil like seal and you understand:

    \ / V=I IIII which is an IIII I when the wrist its on is turned over.  So obviously i inadvertently became the biult in Word.

    wonder if any other BEING has become that?

    I could also show how most other languages word for God can be seen as a description of Me or a form of My name.

    And the fact many people just seem to relish saying I AM not God was also predicted in the bible because it says not all people recoqnized God when He came to earth.

    My middle name is also seen in the Times New Roman font words :

    LORD and GODDESS, further showing that they said all thing to glorify Lord God meant His name was and is seen in most other words or a description of Him.  

    seen TODD could be pronounced TOD or TA-D and Larry as lary or Lari(the i pronounced like the i in DIO) or Lare.

    Does one of your names hide a form of one of those two names?

    So isn't that random that God whether you beleive it or not randomly decided to answer your question because He also has no life?

    So where do you stand with or without those who recoqnized God who became the Word?  there appears to be no documentation proving Jesus became the actual Word.  Perhaps they only say Jesus or Jehovah is God because the bible also stated TO be a friend to the world is to become Gods enemy?  meaning obviously the world so hated God they denied Him and enenies often do things to discredit the rivals.

    Wasn't God also described as LOVE in the bible?

    within the times new roman word LOVE is Till .n u \V / Li[ (not to scale).

    so once again in hindsight i can accurately say LOVE is a description of Me.

  3. kermit the frog

  4. A spork up a turtle's butt.

  5. s*x

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