
Most random thing you have searched for on Google??

by  |  earlier

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Mine was "African Strippers." I was at school. Surprisingly, it was one of the few things my school did NOT block. Fun time for me and my Girl friends =] lol.




  1. p**p.

    Some very interesting pictures come up.  

  2. "Cherry Pie" We were looking for pictures of food for a school project, and surprisingly, we got some stripper that was named cherry pie.

  3. s**y Panda

    my friend wanted me to see this video

  4. orb spiders.

  5. Peer Griffin in a onesie

  6. Fear of elbows

  7. I googled my name.

    Found out I was a real estate agent, an actress in a badly made horror flick, and a p**n star.

  8. corn

  9. Instructions on how to pop your eyelid inside out.  

  10. me

  11. One time I googled "the". It shows you just about how many webpages are on the internet.  

  12. premath aftermath

  13. i just googled lol. just bored

  14. "O What a lovely tea party"

  15. I've Googled Google before.

  16. What the heck?? There are strippers in Africa??


    Haha the most random thing I've ever googled was probably, "Was Hitler g*y?"

  17. Nice.

    Hm...I don't know, I searched too many random things.

  18. googling yahoo!

  19. your mom, no SERIOUSLY your mom. lol

  20. Ugly v****a.

    Don't do it. Dear god, don't do it.

  21. mamma jokes or poems. ya my school computer even didnt blocked it. the jokes were fun

  22. Buttons. I needed something unique for a theatre costume.  

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