
Most realistic FS2004 cessna 150?

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I am curently having flying lessons and found that flight simulator was a big help with some of it.

Few problems are that there is no carby heat control and the closest aeroplane to the C150 is the C172 with has some differnt flight characteristics like climbing faster.




  1. I'm not sure what your question is, but FS is a great practice medium that helps especially with your cross country's. The mechanics of flying FS are not quite the same, no simulator is. But the basics are fine and the practice you get in navigating is great and for that alone I think its well worth it.

  2. Try it has many good aircraft but I  dont know if it has a C150. Good hunting.

  3. freeware cessna 150s are not accurate

    they mostly use 172 panels anyways.

    I don't know if there are any accurate payware cessnas 150 on the web these days. keep hunting.

    all aircraft in fs2004 climb too fast. it's part of the simulator's many inaccuracies. (understandable)

  4. Flight Simulator questions belong in the "GAMES" section.  This is the "TRANSPORTATION" category for questions about real, tangible aircraft, not pretend ones from a computer game.

    Hint:  If you "fly" your plane by putting a disc in a computer or game console, you are playing a computer game, so your question DOES NOT belong here!

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