
Most recycled stuff goes into landfills anyway? (true or false) PROVIDE A REFFERENCE?

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  1. No. In fact, it's illegal for anyone to collect your recyclables and then dispose of it. Check out the law here. (If you spot a hauler throwing away your recyclables, please report it to your city or county recycling office.) Your recycling truck has to go to a recycling center so the material can be sorted. The recycling center then bales the separated materials and ships them to end markets, like paper mills, aluminum smelters, steel mills, and so on.

    Check this info:


  2. NO just watched a thing on Fox 2 news this morning about it!

  3. There are a lot of people making money off recycled products, I have seen recycling plants, the metals goes one way, the plastic another, the paper another, its pretty unique process keeps a lot of people working honestly with a pay check in hand.

    Mike Rowe went through one in SF on Dirty Jobs.

    I have a carpet made of recycled plastic containers great stuff Monsanto and Mohawk make them.

  4. I hereby state that I have know Wolfie for the past 6 months and I find him to be a most pleasant and conscientious worker.

    Mr A. Smith

    It was the only reference I could get at such short notice, sorry......

  5. Not where I live!   We even have green bins to put all our food waste,paper towels and tissues+++ Sometimes we have so little garbage to put out, we wait for another week. There are three people in my home.  A bonus is it has created jobs for people at the sorting plant where it all goes to be separated.

  6. this is the first I've heard of it. I've heard the opposite: most places sort through the garbage and pick out the recycleable material before it goes to a landfil.

  7. I would tend to agree that most stuff does end up in landfills, but I'd also have to agree that it is getting better all of the time.

    My own waste management company just started offering mixed recyclables bin.  I'm not recycling more than I used to, I just have it easier now that I don't have to sort.  Once the process (at home) become easier and people start realizing the necessity of recycling, I think it will only get better.

    Great question!  (starred)

  8. False.

    If your waste is pre-sorted (ie you put out your "recyclables" in a separate container from your regular waste), then the blue-bin waste probably goes to a MRF (Materials Recycling Facility).   A MRF that takes pre-sorted waste is called a "clean MRF" and typically recycles over 90% of the material that is brought to it.

    I think this is the case you were describing - most "recycled" stuff (meaning stuff that is put out in a separate pile from your regular waste) is actually recycled (meaning not put into a landfill.)

    If your waste is not sorted, then it still might go to a "dirty MRF" where the waste is sorted.  In a dirty MRF, between 5% and 25% of the total waste stream is recycled.

    I've provided an article from Waste Age magazine.  Search for the term "MRF" or "MRF recycling percent" in a search engine.  That will give you other references.

  9. My dear young woman of course not only most recycle stuff goes into landfills rather all stuff including man if doesn't go now will go later ! and why worry ?

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