
Most sterotypes are just self fullfilling prophercies?

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In relation to a question asked about women multi tasking. It seems like a lot of negative and positiv sterotypes are just self fullfilled prophercies.

Like I was told that women can multi task and be good at cooking etc and because of that maybe we are given the confidence and the 'yeah of course I can do that' attitude to make that happen. Eg cooking/holding a baby correctly we aren't born to do these things correctly, but if it's assumed (by others and ourselves) that we can do it, we would just do it confidentally.

In teh same way if they said that women are bad drivers, it could be so ingrained that when the woman does learn to drive she is already feeling inadequete and that she is going to fail, or be very nervous about making mistakes or be overally cautious thus actually not driving very well.




  1. Yes "The Mrs" Summed it up correctly.

  2. Mike T., there's a stereotype in some Islamic countries that Jews are actually demons.

    Do you think that is "a little bit true" or "based in reality"?

  3. Mike T there is a stereotype that ALL men, meaning 100% of men are rapist. Does that mean it's true?

    By your statement it is and therefore I can assume nothing else and I can only wonder how you have access to a computer and the internet in jail.

    Fact is, stereotypes are perpetrated by weak minded people. They are divisive and do nothing to help the human race.

    They are a form of labeling but a very bad form.

  4. Stereotypes occur when too many members of the same group behave in the SAME predictable manner.

    They are not always true, but they are never completely false. The one exception to the rule doesn't change the fact that THE RULE EXISTS.

  5. The problems with stereotypes is when you start to believe they are true, someone comes along and burst the idea.

  6. I think stereotypes simply exists as labeling.  Psychologically we all label things.  It helps our brain organize information.  So a s***w driver may be labeled as something that you keep in the shed or the tool drawer, but I keep mine in the kitchen to use a lever to open jars (pop the seal).  Maybe you have figured out something else to do with a screwdriver.  Stereotypes are the same way.  They generally follow suit, but there are many exceptions as well.

    Stereotypes are a result of the psyche, not power.

  7. Yep, pretty much. In Iceland women far excel men in math and science because there are no other jobs if you aren't good in those things. Yet here where we have a lot more options, women don't do nearly as well so people say it's a s*x thing. It is all about confidence. If you don't know you're supposed to be bad at something, you won't be. Tracy posted an excellent example of this the other day.

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