
Mostly for Police Officers! Question about radar detectors?

by Guest59860  |  earlier

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Hi I recently bought a Escort Passport 8500 X50 which got great reviews on detection, but my question is if I was to be pulled over would a radar detector in the widow have anything to do with how you will treat the situation? Would you be less likely to let me off with 5 over instead of 10 over? or would it have no effect? I live in Michigan and radar detectors are legal and laser jammer's are too but I don't have a jammer (too much $$$) but I was mainly just wondering what you views on them are? even if your an officer not in Michigan. Thanks!

(oh and whats your opinion in jammers too? If you figure out the person has one would it get you a little pissed and not be nice too the person if you pull them over?)

I appreciate any input and info on this. Thank You




  1. 4 over and your fine. go 5 and your mine.

  2. ok, its bascilly like this "you get what you pay for" kind of thing you pay alot of $$ you get better detection.. and if you get pulled over it all depends on which state ur in... i have one... i live in md but when i go to dc i have to hide it.... cuz they can cite you and fine you and take it away if yo get caught... the radar detector themselves are not that expensive but the jammers are the ones that are expensive

  3. I see a detector......I give a ticket....sorry.  I also laugh when I get back in my squad car.

  4. I am not a officer but I have been let off with a radar detector and I have had tickets with them. My guess is it is up to the officer.

  5. Its a good detector. I think with a detector your odds of getting off without a ticket decrease just based on the way the game is played. You tried to evade being detected even more than the average citizen who just watches for police so for those who much is given, much is expected : ) It's the cost of doing business. I have a rich relative who comes to me once a year with his latest radar jamming device and wants me to see if I can pick up his speed on radar. Each year, I tell him exactly what he was doing and he sends the jammer back..  

  6. The tech does not bother me either way.  We have it too so, doesn't matter.  Thing about radar detectors is that if the radar detector in your car is 'seeing' the radar in the patrol...  the radar in the patrol is 'seeing' you and, your speed.   Best advantage to a radar detector I have heard is the people who see one in your window, fall a bit behind, then they pace you while watching for your brake check.......   that doesn't always work either.

  7. I would still treat you nice. I would ask you what is wrong with your detector then hand you your ticket. Have a nice day.

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