
[Mostly for religious people] If you needed an organ transplant...?

by  |  earlier

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... and the only one available that could save your life came from someone from a different religion or a homosexual. Would you accept the transplant or refuse it and hope that another compatible donor dies before it's too late?

This is all hypothetical really, as I am well aware that the identity, with all the related info, should never be given to the recipient or it's family, but what if...




  1. Religious and sexual orientation differences have nothing to do with organ compatability.

  2. Oh, for heaven's sake, this is ridiculous.

    I can take this out of the hypothetical for you.  One of my best friends just had a kidney transplant from a young man who was not only a near-perfect match for her -- though unrelated -- but also willing to take the considerable risk, personal inconvenience, sacrifice and pain involved in donating one of his kidneys.  He did it because she's a beloved friend of his and, like everyone else who knows her, wanted to keep her around for as long as possible.  Both of them are doing well.  He's g*y.  She's Christian.  Big deal.

  3. The physical body has nothing to do with one's religious beliefs. If I needed an organ transplant, there would be no reason to reject it. I would be thankful for that person donating it.

  4. I'd accept it.  God does work in mysterious ways.

  5. I think race would be a bigger problem with a lot of people than religion.

    BTW they do give you the info of who your transplant came from, but only after the operation.  You are allowed to write them a letter if you like.  They discourage any more serious contact.

  6. No, because I would still be me. If they can eventually do brain transplants, it would then become an issue. But as long as I am still me, I wouldn't care, but would be grateful.

  7. Yes. I would accept it.

    Being in that position myself, I have thought that I would NOT have a transplant. At all. When dialysis begins, I will be automatically placed on the waiting list. I do think I would pass on this. Then again, I do not as yet know how it is to have six very large needles put into me every week for the rest of my life...and if I hate anything, it's needles. So, maybe I would take a transplant.

    Good question, tough call.

  8. This is so silly! First I would take any organ, and donate to any one if I died. I have no problem with homosexuals. Why do you have such a narrow view of theists?

  9. If God gave it to me sure I would

  10. I would accept it.

  11. Yes I would...

    And if I lost my loved one and decided to donate their organs it would make no difference to me who recieved them..believers or not.  

  12. I would not accept it, but not because of the reasons you stated.

    I would not accept it because if you put something in your body that don't belong to it, your body will try to destroy it. To prevent that, doctors temporally do something to your immune system that may or may not make you more vulnerable to sickness;even disease.

    Plus, life hasn't been all that good to me, and it isn't really worth much without my family. To be honest, the only reason why I am still alive is because I'm not suicidal, i'll die when I die. But, I do hope that donation goes to someone who cares enough to live. Me however, It doesn't really matter. I don't have a death wish however, but life isn't all that great to me. However, if my family wanted me to take it because they wanted me to live, I would take it, unless their was someone else in more dire need of it.

    Anyway, to answer your question, If I was to accept a donation of a lung or something, then I don't really care if he or she wasthe hunch back of notre dame.

  13. I would not have a problem.

    Being pagan is a sin, being homosexual is a sin, being a liar is a sin.  All sins are equal in God's eyes, so why should I deny a homosexual's organ transplant, but accept a christian's transplant, because that christian is still a sinner!

    While a crime against a person can be worse than another crime, a sin against God is a sin against God, all sins are equally evil.

  14. love your neighbor why judge them cuz they liek it up the poopshoot? besides after the first rezzurection everything is made anew (job and many others) if i died soon i would totally allow myself to be chopped for my brothers and sisters...

  15. i cant stand hypos and i dont have medical insurance...It wouldnt even happen. I would just die which is fine cuz then the next moment I will see my Lord..

  16. Sure, no problem.

  17. No offense but that question really makes no sense whatsoever.  Even if a person is evil it is their soul that is the problem not their liver or kidney.  Receiving a heart from a homosexual will not make the recipient homosexual.  

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