
Mostrin dosage, for my 5 month old?

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my son is 5 months and weight at least 18 lbs, his 4 month check up he was 17lbs... My question is here, on the instructions for motrin dosage it says: 18-23lbs, 12-23mos give dosage son is the correct weight, but not age. should i go by his age or weight? he take 0.8mL in tylenol, oked by his Dr. But, my son seems to be teething very bad and just incase i do ever need motrin, i want to know the right dosage. thanks




  1. You go by weight that is always the safest bet according to the pediatricians my boys have seen.  They said that age is just to tricky because medication can cause overdose if they weigh to little for the average child that age so to make sure to go by weight whenever possible.  

  2. always go by weight, not by age. if they weight is good, then give that dose.  

  3. Please don't give your baby any new medications unless you check with his pediatrician first. You don't want to take any risks with your baby's health.  

  4. You always go by weight. You should check with your doctor. Their weight changes so fast when they are so young.I haven't given my little one motrin yet. I feel more comfortable with tylenol especially with the damage motrin can do if they don't eat first.

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