
Mother's Day Project Ideas!??

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I am looking for a new idea of what to do with my kindergarten class for mother's day. I've been using the same idea each year and want to do something different. Thanks!!!




  1. tissue paper flowers , a card , a poem , a picture of them with a picture frame that they made ,


    1.Collect plastic picnic cups,rocks that will fill up half of the cup,muticolored chenille sticks,styrofoam balls,colored paint.

    2.Fill rocks to the half of the cup.Stick a green chenille stick through the rocks.

    3.Put a styrofoam ball on the top of the chennille stick,and paint it.

    4.Stick chenile sticks into the sides of the ball to create a petal pattern.

    FUN IDEA-String Beads around the chenille sticks for a rainbow of colors.

  3. One year we painted terracotta pots and  planted summer flowers in the for the Grandmothers. They still use the pots every summer. Go to wal-mart for the supplies. They have all sizes of pots inexpensive and plants.

  4. how about painting a wooden frame and gluing stuff on it to decorate?  or that might be messy so how about having every student write why their mom is the best and then you putting them all together on a card and giving to all the mom's?  What about kids who don't have mom's?

  5. *mothers are queens so we made tiara that say best looking mum

    *also cards that say my mum is a cleaner ,cook ,doctor ,styler,friend ,and more

    *got a mug and painted worlds greatest mum

  6. Well, I am in a Montessori classroom so our children are able to handle a situation like this a little differently, but my co-teacher came up with this idea and we have done it the past 3 years and it is wonderful.

    We have a "Mother's Day Manicure" where the children set up tables and chairs in our garden area. They get the tables prepared by putting nail polish, file, cutical stick, cotton ball and q-tip, and lotion on them. Each table has a table cloth. Then we set up the food that was prepared that morning (cucumber sandwiches, fruit parfaits, and punch). The children also used hand-coffee-grinders to grind coffee as a gift to their moms. The moms came and the children gave their hands massages, and painted their nails. The moms love it and it's really fun to watch.

    The difference is in my classroom, the children have the morning to practice their polishing skills when they want to. But I tell ya, it's a great gift!

  7. "Why i love my mother" collage...

    let teh students write this on the center of a colored paper and let them doodle the reasons why they love their mother.. encourage them to be creative by using different materials..

  8. Do a marigold in a cup; the good old handprints in cement like a small stepping stone and add some marbles is cool; our nursery teachers did heart shaped pieces of paper that said Hapy Mothers Day and the year. The they painted the kids hands and had them put their hands on the paper. Its a neat way to preserve the size of their hands. For the moms with more than 1 child they shared the paper and put each child's name under the handprint. Just be sure to use washable paint.

  9. maybe handprints with a poem or thumbprints of paint to make ladybugs on a pot

  10. 1. Making a jewellery box out of those Popsicle like sticks (or any other moment you deem appropriate) by employing their knowledge of shapes in order to make a three-dimensional figure

    2. A Mother's Day Card in which the message is a poem either Acrostic Poetry or the "My Mother is..."

    3. Make A gift basket out of construction paper or any other material of your choice  and have the gift basket include a collection of the child's art work

    4. M.O.T.H.E.R. book - for each letter the child draws or writes something about something they have done with their mother or about their mother

  11. They can make "World's Greatest Mom" crowns.

    Here's what you'll need:

    White poster board, cut width-wise into 12-inch wide strips

    red, green, yellow, blue, and white construction paper

    glitter (all colors)



    safety scissors

    printed "banner" with words "WORLD'S GREATEST MOM" - long enough to cover most of crown

    aluminum foil

    rubber cement

    Using the rubber cement, glue the aluminum foil to one side of the poster board strips.  Let dry overnight.  Cut saw-tooth points on one long edge of the strips of poster board, to give the effect of a crown when taped end-to-end (\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\...).  Glue the banners in the middle of the crowns.  Ask the children to cut out "jewels" to affix to the crowns, outside the paper banner.  The jewels can be any shape:  hearts, diamonds, flowers, circles, etc.  Using a dab of glue, ask the children to then glue the "jewels" to the crown.  Make sure the children also write their names on the exposed paper side of the crowns.  Have the children apply glitter lightly to the "jewels", by using a paintbrush dabbed in watered-down glue (not too watered-down that it loses its ability to stick), and applying glitter that corresponds to the color of the "jewels" (blue, red, gold for yellow, silver for white, etc.).  Let the glue and glitter dry overnight.  When the glitter has dried, wrap the the crown around a large coffee can or another large cylindrical object, until the ends overlap by no more than an inch.  Glue the ends together, and use paper clips to keep in place until glue has dried.  Let dry overnight, and allow children to take home over the weekend.

    Give each child a paper bag to hide the crown in until Mother's Day.  Make them promise not to tell or show their moms the surprise until Mother's Day.

  12. poem



    breakfast in bed

    or do all the choices and help her out

    tha want i'm doing and i got her a purse with a card and a bear inside and me and my brother put all how money 2gether and bought her a 18km bracelet.

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