
Mother's day ideas for nursery..?

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i'm looking for dieas/poems for mother's day cards/gifts for young children in a day nursery.




  1. oh c**p!! whens mothers day again?

  2. You could make flowers using footprints and handprints - the footprints are the leaves and the handprints are the flowers... then write the phrase "If mommies were flowers I'd pick you." underneath it.

  3. My daycare made flowers out of the childrens hand prints and had a small poem. The one about little hands. It was soooo cute. I loved it.

  4. When my kids were in nursery school they made a hanging out of felt with their hand-prints in paint there was a poem on it about hand-prints on the wall and how they would go away as they got older (the hand-prints) it was really nice and I still have them it is nice to see haw small the kids were.  Be sure to put the date also

    this site had the poem and some others

  5. get small inexpensive terra cotta pots, usually about 80 cents each, paint each childs hand print, and stamp the pot all the way around, write the child's name around the top of the pot

    inside, have a small ziplock bag full of soil, and a popcicle stick with a flower seed package glued to it..


    Plant these seeds and watch them grow,

    when they're done you will know,

    it's time to put them in the ground,

    and every year when they come around,

    you'll remember how much I wanted to say

    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  6. We paint the child's hand, add a stem, leaves, heart in the center of the palm and the words:

    A piece of me

    I give to you

    I painted this flower

    To say "I love you".

    The heart is you.

    The hand is me.

    To show we are friends-

    The best there can be.

    I hope you will save it

    And look back someday

    At the flower we shared

    On your special day.

  7. has some amazing poems! When I taught preschool, I used the site all the time!

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