

by Guest65723  |  earlier

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My friend has three daughters:

Lils - 15

Emma - 10

Grace - 10

She wants to get something for all four of them. You know something that screams Mother-Daughter, but something that can do that can be connected three different ways to something of hers.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what she could buy for herself and her three daughters?

Here's a little detail of the girls.


- School first

- Music second

- Friends third

- Family fourth


- School first

- Ballet second

- Family third

- Friends fourth


- Soccer first

- School second

- Soccer and School third

- Family fourth





  1. a swimming pool

  2. What's the occasion? I don't see the occasion for buying gifts.

  3. Try getting all three a cell phone? I know you can surf online and get free ones... I've gotten them through that. And plans are really simple.

    Or get them all shuffle (ipods) and her one too.


    for Lilly, get her some music jewerly you two could share.

    For Emma: get her some new shoes and get yourself some flats and joke how you two are almost twins.

    For Grace, get her a soccerball that has her name all over it, and on one little box - LOVE MOM -. I think you can get those.

    Or buy t-shirts online that have cute little sayings, in different colors.

    Just ideas.

    Hope it helps

  4. Build a bears!! And record her voice or all four of theirs.

  5. She could get each one a charm bracelet.  Put all 4 birthstones on it and what each child is interested in on all 4 bracelets.  Like a musical instrument, a ballet dancer and a soccer ball and what ever the mother is interested in on each bracelet.  That would give them 8 charms on each bracelet.
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