
Mother / Son Song Dilemma!?

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My daughter is getting married on Aug. 16th. Her fiance has basically informed us that due to the fact that he hates to dance, he will only dance with her the couples first dance and thats it. She is ok with that, she knew that going in.

My dilemma is that he has told both her and I that he will not be doing the mother / son dance with his mom, but hasn't told her! I think that this is terribly wrong! If he doesn't want to dance with her thats his perogative, but I feel that they should atleast sit her down and tell her. They said they don't have to because she doesn't even realize that there is supposed to be a mother / son dance. I don't believe that, every mother knows that there is supposed to be a mother / son dance. I know that if this were my son I would be absolutely devistated, and it breaks my heart that they are going to blindside her like this.

In your opinion, should I say something to her? or mind my own business?




  1. It sounds like you've already voiced your objection, and they answered it. At this point, I think you're going to have to butt out.

    It's funny, we didn't have a mother/son dance at my wedding, because my father is deceased, so we just skipped the whole idea of dancing with the parents. I'm certain my husband didn't tell his mom beforehand- frankly, it neer occured to me to tell her up front. I hope she's not mad about it!

  2. In situations like this, always, always, ALWAYS, mind your own business. There may be reasons you are unaware of and you do not want your daughter to start her marriage with her new husband ticked at you. Your intentions are good but you have to let this one go. I hope her wedding goes perfect!!

  3. Stay out of it,'s between the groom & his mother besides, don't ya know they always kill/blame the messenger of bad news??? to let the groom handle it, and take any punches that come his way.....good luck.

  4. It would bother me too, but he's a man. I think you  should just leave it to your future son-in-law. Let him deal with his mom, if she questions why there's no mother-son dance.

  5. Actually it's you and your husband who get to dance with the couple traditionally. Dancing with his parents is a new addition, because the idea that it was just a father-daughter dance was too much a holdover from patriarchal days along with other, thankfully no longer observed, traditions like giving away the bride. Trust your daughter and her fiance to know his mother and father, and if your daughter says that her fiance's mother won't mind, then there is no need to do a mother-son dance.

    Your daughter can still reserve a dance for her father-in-law, but it would highlight the lack if it's an announced dance.

  6. You should totally just mind your buisness. You saying something to her could actually inform her that there is suppost to be a mother son dance and that would only hurt her feelings. When her son feels its the right time he will tell her himself.

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