
Mother Teresa and Princess Diana died on the same day, why have we heard more about Princess Diana?

by Guest65346  |  earlier

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I don't really care that they didn't die on the same day, they dies within a week of each other, I think. The point is, we have heard more about Princess Diana.




  1. Princess Diana was far more public than mother teresa. Diana was stunning, and a princess, so she captivated a lot more people's attention. mother teresa was a nun, and more people are interested in princesses than nuns, especially beautiful princesses. It's not how i think, but i know lots of people who don't even know who she is and when i inform them, they don't really care because she's a nun.

    and mother teresa died on the day of diana's funeral.

  2. ppl hear more things about diana & some ppl hear more about mother teresa.

    i have heard more of mother teresa =0

  3. Diana died August 31, 1997.

    Mother Teresa died September 5, 1997.

    Hardly the same day.

  4. They did not die on the same day. The late Diana, Princess of Wales died on August 31st, 1997 and Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997.

    Diana got more media attention solely because her life was always a fascination to the media world. Why would they pay any attention to a nun when a famous royalty figure suddenly passed away? Obviously the media is going to pay more attention to something that will “sell” to generate profit. Who is going to run to the newsstand to buy a gossip magazine on Mother Teresa?

  5. maybe because she was too young and so pretty and she died under suspicious circumstances.....M.T died of old so many people,sorry

  6. While it wasn't the same day, Mother Teresa died the day Princess Diana was buried.  Not sure why the difference, but somehow I think Mother Teresa would be happy.

  7. Princess Diana was constantly in the news during her life.  She had celebrity status.  Mother Teresa was far too busy with her work to spend much time in the limelight.

  8. The answer is simple, news companies will make more money if people watch right? People will be more intrigued by a car accident and a princess rather than a nun. it's a sad fact but it is true...

  9. She's hotter.  They died the same day.

  10. The reason is Mother Teresa lived a fulfilled life doing what she wanted and was 87 when she died.

    Diana on the other hand died young at 36 without fulfilling her full potential in her life leaving behind to young boys without their mother.

  11. They died in the same week,but since Diana was more of a media figure,her death was major news. She was beautiful,had a fractured-fairy-tale type marriage,loads of charisma and lots of paparazzi following her about,making her one of the world's most easily recognized women. Mother Therese,who came to my high school to recruit help,was a tiny,intense figure,but since she was also a religious person,not as notorious as her friend, Diana.

    Diana,much to her chagrin, was known as a glamorous figure;she used her glamour to bring notice to her charities and political concerns.Mother Therese wasn't glamorous,and therefore,not in the media as much as she deserved to be.

  12. Interesting question. I've been wondering about that myself... I think they're both great people but truthfully, Princess Diana had more of a tragic death than Mother Teresa... No thanks to those paparatzi (sp?). And Princess Di was alot more popular and the media loved her alot!

  13. Diana was exciting and lived a life most of us could only dream of. Mother Teresa lived a life of self-sacrifice, and helped thousands of people. Most of us wish we could do that and feel bad that we don't.

  14. Mother Teresa died on the day of Diana's funeral. Everyone talks more about Diana because there just is more to talk about with her. The events surrounding her death are being inspected and all that so there is still news about when she died. She was a more public figure than Mother Teresa was. She was put more in the media spotlight. Everyone sort of made a place in their hearts for Diana because they sort of grew with her. They watched the Royal Wedding when Diana was only 20 and then they saw her transform over the next 16 years until her death.

  15. Girl do your research before you ask a question, of course they did not die on the same day.

  16. Mother Teresa lived a full-length life ....Princess Diana died tragically at a young age

  17. Princess Diana sold and still sells more news media than one else.  They were both great people

  18. More commoners wanted to read about the aimless life of Diana then they wanted to read about the good works of Mother Therese

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