Mom is 40. Has 3 kids (but not filed on taxes, instead on father's- problem?). Makes 20k a year.
Daughter is 17. No dependents. Works as a waitress part-time, 10/hr. My college costs 10k a year. My EFC was 0.
If she applies to college, will her EFC be 0? Will it benefit either of us that two people will be attending college (not same college, though) at the same time? What if her youngest daughter also might attend a 27k/year Prep school (thanks to extreme financial aid and her smarts)?
She's thinking of attending CCV. We live in NH, on the border of MA & VT. Any suggestions for schools? She wants Photography or Agriculture/Horticulture (Plants, not Animals).
Thank you for all your help! Yahoo! Answers is proving to be very useful recently!