
Mother cat won't leave my house! Help me make her leave!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in a bit of a predicament. I got a kitten from my neighbor whose cat had kittens. They gave all the kittens away yesterday (way too young but I had to take my kitten then or else they would have given her to someone else...stupid, I know). I made the mistake tonight of letting the mama cat (who frequently visits my back door) say "hello" to the kitten. Now the cat is going crazy trying to get into my house to get the kitten! She's been going from window to window to door to door for HOURS trying to get inside to my kitten. I don't want to be mean to her. I think its pitiful how quickly she lost all her babies. But at the same time I need sleep. Help. What should I do?




  1. Well, I would say to let her in to calm her down and see what she would do. I mean- this is obviously very stressful for her- and causing a lot of problems. She is probably not eating, which is not good at all for cats.

    Oh, real quick, whose cat is this?? The neighbor's? First thing you should do is explain to them what is going on and that they need to keep her indoors for a while.

    But, if that doesn't work. Let her in to see her kitten. She will calm down, maybe sleep, whatever. DO NOT feed her or give her access to a litter box, and do NOT give her attention- this will make her want to go back out. And by all means let her go! Since you will NOT be feeding her, she should loose interest eventually and not be so keen on coming inside.

    Good luck!

  2. Since the kittens were too young to be separated from her, why not let her stay with you untill your kitten is about 3 months old?  This will give your kitten the care she really needs right now, and will make the mother cat very happy.

    Edit:  Do you have a spare bedroom you could keep them both in to be separated from your cat and dog? I'm sure she would use a litter box if enclosed in a room with one.

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