
Mother claimed me on taxes w/o my permission.?

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I don't live with her and provide for myself COMPLETELY. I have been self-sufficient since 19 years old.

She has claimed that she received 2800 as a homeowner and is proposing to give me 400. Also, she is a nurse.

I need to know the following: Does her return make sense? Is this fair? How much should I receive?

I am 25 with a baby and a full-time student. On my FAFSA, I stated that no one can claim me as dependent.

I am also concerned that this will affect my financial aid because again, my mother is a Nurse.

As it stands now, I am eligible for full financial aid (EIC = 0)

Thoughts are appreciated.




  1. Hi  Unfortunately I would tell her to refile..upon threat of you filing and her being caught out..and insist you see the refile.

    Advise her you're going to file and she better fix it fast...

    I'm not sure where you are..Canada/USA...But here in Canada you're eligible for a good return as well as Child Tax Credits...$$

    Good Luck

  2. Dont take money from her.  Do you live with her? She cant claim you if you live on your own and everything.  Your right since you have a child and your an adult she can claim you.

  3. Did you file taxes this year? If you filed as head of household because you have a dependent, your child, then your mom can not claim you. Don't take the money because Uncle Sam is going to find out and audit her. Tell you mother she needs to file an ammended return where she doesn't claim you. Did she also claim your child?

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