
Mother in NEED!!! He's hitting me...

by  |  earlier

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I have a 19 month old little boy, Daigen. He's been an absolute angel a dream child all his life till about 3months ago really bad in the last two. I am a stay at home mom and he has a very nice life. He has tubes and his frenulum (tongue tied) was cut last sept. The doc's tell me he's not speaking yet b/c the tubes sometimes affect speech and his hearing is fine he just chooses to ignore ANYTHING that is not what he wants or his idea.. A simple no or pat on the hands or swat on the bottom would work for a year and a half and the spankings were never angry spankings : He should have no idea how or why to hit and slap. Well we went for a doc. visit two weeks ago and we waited 1 hr 45 min to c the doc and he was so tired and fighting it he unded up slapping me repeatedly and punching me in a fit of rage, i corrected him by grabbing his hands telling him no i a loud firm voice and then hold him to my chest while he cried it out. I expect that in the terrible two the crying and the fit throwing and him throwing his toys when he doesn't get his way, but hitting when he doesn't get his way is a habbit i want broken before it actually becomes a habbit or reflex. Daigen is HUGE for his age he excells in other areas that verbal communication so i've never worried but i am afraid he isn't compehending the things we communicate to him.. I think he's frustrated. Well this morning i was feeing himbreakfast and he finished his juice box and took the straw out whick i dont let him to (the end is pointed) and i took it to put it back in He takes a few sips then pulls the straw out again and when i try to grab it he stabs me in the face with it< my anger caught the best of me and i slapped him on the cheek (not hard but well enought to get my point across) and i know he understood me but thats not he way i think you should teach a child thats not okay..He's hit me and his dad and company for that matter a LOT over the last few weeks. Both my parents are deciced and My husband nor i have family...We really need help the doctor tells me oh it's just a phase it's the terrible two's, But i dont know how to treat it i really need help..





  1. this sounds absolutely terrable but when my Niece would hit me with her barbies, i would give her a time out and tell her that Hitting me was ABSOULTELY NOT OKAY, and after 2 minutes, she could Have ONE softewr toy to play with not very entertaining. When i would come back, and talk to her about it, she would listen or i would take the toy back and start over. If she Hits you at all, get rid of everything and start the time out over. If the claim they need to go potty, go into the bathroom and pick up the Bath Toys and  put everything up high (whenre it should be anyways)  and take them vak. By repeating this, your son will understand what he does RIGHT beofr Going into time out, and begin experimenting, by  not hitting for a while then doing it one time, and suddenly realiz e thats the problem. Hope this Helps!

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