
Mother in law nightmare!!!!! Placement of kids.

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My inlaws are getting divorced and my mother in law is destroying my father in law. She is mentally abusive to their 14 year old son and 7 year old daughter. I have to write a letter to the attorney stating generally what I know about her and why I don't want her having custody of the kids. She is a pathological liar and unimaginatively manipulative. She lives in her own delusional world that she has created through a web of lies. How do I say that to an attorney??? What I say here will determine if I am a witness or not.




  1. Do not sugar coat thing for th sake of the children. I know  it is hard but think about the 14yr. old and the 7yr.old and what will happen to them and what kind of lives they will have? Mental abuse is just as bad and if not worse than physical abuse. Physical abuse scars will heal in a short time. Mental abuse it take professional help and some times years to heal. You have to do what you can live with and think is right. Think about the feature of the children first of all, and what is best for them. Please. GOOD LUCK.

  2. i think you got the words, just drum up some examples to back the claim up

  3. talk  to  them

  4. "I don't want her having custody of the kids. She is a pathological liar and unimaginatively manipulative. She lives in her own delusional world that she has created through a web of lies.."

    I think what you said right there pretty much sums it up. You might want to include a brief description of how/when she's done these  things.

  5. just say that in your opinion you dont believe she should have custody of the child. You believe her to be a pathological liar and unimaginatively manipulative, who you have witnesses being mentally abusive towards said children. (add in details of time you witnesses her lying to or manipulating people, and what mental abuse you've seen) You believe her to be delusional and unstable often living in a world she has created through a web of lies. (add in things that would support this, details of thing you've witnessed and so on, examples) Also add why you thing the father would be better.

    Remember that the children get a say in what they want as well and that if you get into this she will hate you and you might be her next mission of destruction, plus the children might side with her?  

  6. Your opinion is simply conjecture and hearsay. You hate her, so what other opinion could you have but a negative one. When you give a deposition, you need to speak in fact, things that actually happened to show these things and the consequences. How is she mentally abusing her minor children, and what is the consequences of her behavior, that sort of thing. I can't imagine you being put on the stand, you are simply seeing things from a very emotional side. It would make more sense for your husband to testify, he's a product of that environment.  

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