
Mother in law question

by  |  earlier

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My husband, m-i-l, toddler and I are at the park. The wind is blowing constantly. The baby is laying down, drinking some milk. He has shorts and a sleeveless shirt on. I ask my husband to put on a pair of longer pants and another shirt on our child. His mother tells him it's not necessary. The adults all have long pants and sleeved shirts on. I ask my husband repeatedly (5 times) to at least put some pants on the boy. He refuses every time. Meanwhile, his mother is laying down with a blanket on top of her. When the kid finally gets up to play, I ask my hubby one last time. M-i-L says it's NOT necessary. Hubby goes with what she says. I snap and repeat in a mocking way what she just said and hubby reprimands me for that. Told me I should not do that in front of his mommy. I asked him whether it was wrong for me to want my child to be comfortable. He said it wasn't about that, says I should not have said that in front of her. But then, he doesn't want to take a stand and try to be fair. He's not a bad person, but whenever it comes to his mommy and me, he ALWAYS takes her side. It really makes me feel like second class citizen. He idolizes her. There's nothing wrong with him loving his mom, but I think you can love and also be fair to your wife. If it were his mom telling him to put some clothes on the child and me telling it wasn't necessary, he would have no doubt done what she tells him. Just need some advice. Thank you all.




  1. i have the same problem with my mother in law. my husband listens to everything the old bag has to say, and for me im chop liver.

    question y wouldnt u go put pants on him then, thats what i always do. mother in law gets mad at me a lot of times and i just tell her hes my son. my husbands 24 butfor some funny reason he thinks mommy knows everything.

  2. You obviously have issues with you Mother-In-Law, if you were so concerned w/ welfare of your child, you would have put the clothes on him yourself. Grow up, if not for your sake, for the sake of your child. Just remember, why did you fall in love w/hubby and who raised him.???!!!P.S. Don't you know that you don't lay a baby down w/bottle??Get some help.

  3. i went threw the same thing with my husbands mom and his sister it gets you so mad what i did was avoid tem but now my mother in law got killed so now i feel bad but tell him how you feel and if he still acts like his mm is his wife and she is the one that has s*x with him then cut him off and tell him if he cant understand that you are your childs mother not his mom that you choose what is best for your child not her you gave birth to your child not her

  4. i don't understand why you had to tell your husband to do it, why didn't you dress the baby yourself? and when he refused the first time, then why didn't you do it? it just makes no sense- that would be the day that i would let the baby freeze because hubby is an idiot. not good- you are expecting him to stop listening to his mama, when he has listened his whole life-those changes just don't come that quickly for some people. next time, don't put him in that position, just take care of it yourself-and then talk to mother in law in private, and tell her to stop contradicting how you raise your child-tell her you would appreciate it if she minded her own business.
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