
Mother not sending kids to school?

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my boyfriends ex has not been sending their son to school he has missed 16 days of school this school year he only goes 3 days a wk she says he gets sick but just took him to the doc the school says he has not missed enough school for them to do any thing aslo to she will not but him on the relase forms at the docs she said he has no businees nowing what is going on with the boys what should he do he does get them everyother weekend and the foc hoilday visit




  1. Wow.  I would get the school counselor involved.  If they get the hint that something isn't right they will contact the CPS.

  2. The mother needs to be careful because if it gets to a certain amount of days, the child will be considered truant, and may risk retention.

  3. In most places both parents have the right to medical and educational information about their child unless a court says otherwise. He needs to consult a lawyer.

  4. Your BOYFRIEND should be handling this.   If he's not man enough, or interested enough, to take her to court then YOU should keep your face out of this.

    It's not your kid.  BUTT OUT.

    Tell the "father" to get off his asss and take her to court over this.

  5. I think he should dump your nosy *** and find a girlfriend who knows her place with his kids. Let's see, the school is not concerned, he's not concerned and the doc isn't concerned. Mind your d**n business, all you are is the girlfriend and have no business harassing her.

  6. if your boyfriend is concerned, he needs to talk to a family law attorney to see what his options are... that's my best answer.

  7. Have him try to get custody of the boy!

  8. You didn't mention how long they have been divorced, it may be that the child is going through some things and is saying that he's sick because of that.  When my mother and step dad got divorced I know that my brother and I both said we were sick alot. She let us stay home and it helped some.The school did get upset about my brothers absenses.   It wasn't so much that we were sick but that we were having a hard time adjusting.  Its hard for a child to understand why their parents aren't together and they tend to do things that are out of character.  The same can be said for the parents, she may not be handling this the best but she (the Mother) is adjusting too.  Its hard all the way around.  If they seperated when he was very young he may just started realizing his feelings about it.  It may be that there really is some disfunction in the household but try not to jump to conclusions.  If you try to take custody of the child it could make the child angry with his dad and feel like he needs to protect his mother.  I went through some similar situations.  Recently I have seen my neice acting like her mothers protector, since my brothers and sister-in-laws divorce.  She said its because her moms all alone, and everyone is mean to her.  I would have been angry with my father if he had ever tried to make me leave my mother.  I needed her, even if she did make some mistakes along the way and was an utter mess most of the time.  I think that the bigger problem is that these parents aren't working together where the child is concerned.  The greatest gift my parents ever gave me was to never be divided and never speak ill of each other.  I know that my seem silly but it was huge, and has played an important part in my marriage and parenting.

  9. In my state, she doesn't have to sign release forms at the doctor's.......He has a legal right to all of his son's education and medical records.  All he has to do is show identification proving that he is the child's father.  He also has a legal right to discuss anything about the child with the school.

    He needs to get a lawyer, sue her for parental alienation  and custody or get CPS involved.

    He needs to go to the doctors' office and demand to see the proof that she's been taking him to the doctor.

  10. I just have to say one need to get this kid away from her .This is sick and unhealthy and for some reason i think it is very weird that a child is missing 16 days .

  11. The only thing he really can do is go for custody if he's concerned she's not taking care of his kids.

  12. Why cant your boyfriend call CPS? Just because the school is unable to at this point doesnt mean he cant make a call. Its his child too.

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