
Mother of two children and want to work.?

by Guest32904  |  earlier

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I have 2 children and my partner works 7am - 3:30pm mon -thursday and i look after the children 2 days a week and 2 days at chid care and my partner works from 7am - 1pm fridays and i look after them till he gets home. I just started a Job as a nursing home as a casual and i just asked my Don (boss) if i could have Monday - Tuesdays off as i have no baby sitter for them days..How do mother with children work around there job, and i feel really guilty but i can only do what i can do.. I wanted to hire a babysitter but i don't know anyone plus i think about child abuse these days ...




  1. I used a registered child care provider.   If you find one who has been in business for a long time, then you will be able to see whether they have any history of "incidents", and you know that everyone in the house has had a background check, which helps to ease your concerns.

    Mothers with children who work do what we have to do.  Often, our bosses are mothers or fathers with chidlren who have some understanding of why we have to make the requests that we make.

    It gets easier when the kids are in school.   There is usually an after school program that is not too expensive.

  2. Well you did hire in as a casual, so I would assume there is some flexibility w/them scheduling you.  It's hard for mom's to work around a job, you either have to work what they give you and find someone or use child care.  Your other option is to find a flexible job, those are hard to come by, but some are out there.  If your working at a nursing home I would assume your a CNA, MA, or nurse - have you given any thought to working agency?  You usually make more per hour and you can tell them when you are available to work, it they have those open they will schedule you accordingly.  If you want to work or have to work don't beat yourself up about it, there are alot of child care places that are wonderful, just do through background check, ask friends where there children go, some child care places even have web cams so you can check in on your children whenever you - maybe look for those.

  3. try to find a babysitter or a daycare for those days... why do  you only have daycare for two days most daycares are full time

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