My mother had me at a young age, and my father bailed out as soon as he found out she was pregnant. I'm also pregnant at a young age, but i know for certain that my boyfriend is sticking by me and helping me raise this child, he isn't going to bail out like my father did. but my mother can't seem to understand this concept. she gets mad at him whenever he refers to the baby as "his child" and tells me over and over again that she knows he's going to leave once the going gets tough. But i know that she's wrong. my boyfriend is more excited about the child than i am, there's no way he's leaving. it started as a joke, but my mom began saying that she was going to teach the baby to call her mom. but the more she says it, the more it scares me. i know she's excited about the baby, but should i be worried? what can i do to get her off of my back? i want the problem to be resolved before the baby gets here.