Hi i recently purchased a a8n32-SLI Deluxe motherboard and fit 3700+ Amd processor with 2x 512 Rams a 7300 PCI-express GPU and a 250GB SATA drive it all worked good for a while then one day i switch it on it POSTs fine and at boot it freezes , once i reset the system does not start at all it doesnt even post , the CPU fan starts and the case fan also starts , but it does no POST no beeps nothing ... i have tried all components on another PC they all work fine the power is all well connected i have an Antec 500W PS and all connections are ok i have the 24 pin power connector so i dont need to connect the EZ_PLUG power i have also cleared the CMOS e few times but that does not solve the problem my guess is the bios might be damaged or somethingdoens anyone know how to restored it , or any other solution for this problem thanx Splash