
Mothers, what are the good/bad points of being a mum?

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Mothers, what are the good/bad points of being a mum?




  1. Good points:

    A sense of love and joy like no other, happiness, a sense of accomplishment (you have brought a new life into the world), a sense of completion (my family is complete), the smiles, the hugs, the cute 2 am moments of feeding your little one, taking care of them makes you feel needed and wanted, the feeling of holding your newborn is indescribable, passing on your legacy is important, you learn patience and confidence, you and your husband draw closer together in bonding with your child(ren).

    Bad points:  Nothing is bad about it to me.  But children do present challenges regarding patience.

  2. Good:  Having a child makes you realize what pure, unconditional love is, Watching little you's do kid things and grow up, Their milestones, Them coming to you because they need you and because they love you, Hanging out with them - seeing things through their eyes, Their happiness and innocence

    Bad: Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility in general and for affecting another human being's life - hoping they grow up and make good decisions, Siblings fighting

  3. bad points: lack of sleep, lack of independence, dirty diapers, cranky toddlers, moody pre-teens, angsty teens who hate you, expensive.

    good points: The ability to love and care for another human being and watch them become a loving, caring adult.  The first time you hear a lisped, " I wuv oo, mommy".  The look on a baby when it sleeps, safe, sated and secure in your arms.  The look of pride on a child's face when he shows you that he can read.  When your daughter befriends the kid at school that other kids make fun of because she's been raised to care for others.

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