
Mothers, what are you going to make sure to tell your daughters before having children?

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What tips would you give them, advice for the change that is about to happen in her life? What would you say to your daughter about how your life changed when you had her?




  1. Im going to encourage my daughters to have fun and enjoy their husbands before having children. Live life for a little while as a adult before becoming a mother. I adore my gilrs and wouldnt trade them for anything in the world , but I want them to be able to travel with hubby and see lots of grown up beatiful things and be selfish for a while hahaha.

  2. That I'm there for her and she's always welcome home no matter what happens and causes her to come back.  That she is loved and supported during anything that may happen to her.  I'd encourage her to use protection, but would welcome a baby if it happened and help her raise it until she was on her feet.  I'm not going to throw her away like a peice of garbage like my parents did because they were idiots.

  3. I would tell them that you need to get married (because the boyfriend would just leave if they got in a fight and at least the dad would be there until the baby was born). they need to have money for the baby and a house. they need to wait about a year untill they decide to have one of there own (because what if they got in a fight and she was preg)

  4. make sure she has a "good" paying job,is married,and knows what she's doing and make sure that she is confident in her "financial" disunion. and tell her that it wasn't all fun and games...when ur friends were out maybe going to a party"u don't have to young for this to happen" u were at home baby sitting her....and that ur energy sometimes will be drained...u will have to wake up in the middle of the night....ur sore from "having" the baby....and that sometimes the person u marry is not all they "seem" to be....hope this helped!

  5. My mother was very upbeat about the whole thing. She didn't give me any ominous warnings about how you'll have no life and never sleep again, etc.

    I would avoid giving advice unless asked. Pregnant women are bombarded by relatives giving well intentioned advice that is unwanted.

    Your example as a mother has already affected how your daughter will parent. Your work is pretty much done. Sit back and enjoy spoiling that new grandbaby!

  6. First, I would have to say that I am very proud of them, and happy for them. I would also say that having a child is the best experience you will ever have in their lives, and be blessed that you have this oppertunity to create a new human being. I will also tell them that I will always be there for them and love them no matter what. =] All the normal mommy goody-good stuff. =P

    ~Kate, mommy of 7, and 22 weeks with Shane and Sydney!

  7. My daughters learned about parenting by being parented. Both of their parents were very involved in their lives. They tell me they find themselves saying and doing the exact same things I did, the good and the bad. There isn't much you can tell them beforehand. It's more important to be available while they're going thru it. I live many miles from both of them, but they call and e-mail frequently.

  8. I would tell ANYONE who is about to have children to make sure they don't neglect themselves. Make sure you still see your friends and still do things for yourself every now and then (like read a good book or whatever) and if you have a partner make sure you and him/her spend quality time together as a couple (go out for dinner or something without the kids) and don't give up all your life because you have kids.

  9. I have a great answer for you!

    It happens to everyone and I want my 3 to just be prepared so they aren't embarrassed when it happends. If it never did, I wouldn't have any of them. I got blessed with more than a miracle that I could have so many healthy children


    I was never married so I decided to have invetro so I could have a baby that was Mine. I ended up with 5 (3 daughters) Twins the first time, triplets the second.

    Be careful with fertility treatments/drugs.

  10. why are these questions always about daughters? Son's have children when they grow up too ya know.

    I have 4 boys and when they grow up and have children I will tell them to follow in their dad's footsteps. He's been a great father. I will remind them that if they have a son they will be the biggest role model and will need to teach their son how to be a good father like their dad has taught them.

  11. I would tell her to make sure she lives life to the fullest. Being a mother doesn't mean that you stop being you it just means you become a better you. I would make sure she knows that becoming a mother fulfilled my life in ways I could never imagine and that she will always have her mommy even when she becomes one.

  12. Im having my first daughter in a month and i will tell her before she has children..Its really easy to get pregnant and it seems like a fun fantasy but its the biggest commitment youll ever make and it lasts forever..pregnancy is hard and being a parent is even harder.If your asking this because your daughter is already pregnant or going to be and shes ready..Its such a wonderful thing to and it will teach you patience, how to give up your selfish wants and needs and put her first.Its like the most important lesson you can learn in be selfless and care for others!Children are a great teaching tool and miracle god has given us!

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