
Mothers , how did you work your way around from not lifting heavy things when pregnant if you already have a ?

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toddler. Well I seem to think later on when I am a bit bigger, and they say not to lift heavy things, but I already have a 10 kg 9 month old and he will just get heavier. h**l be 14 months when I am 7 months pregnant, what did you do> was it ok to lift ur toddler when you were heavily pregnant?>? Also if your toddler had a tantrum, did he ev er kick you in the tummy , what did you do? Ive noti\ced my 9 months old accidentally kicking me when he siits on my lap, and he pinched my stomach , it was painful, i just worry its not harming the baby, i know they are all safe and snuggled but I just like to know by experience. being pregnant if bathing baby etc




  1. I have 2 toddlers and am pregnant with my third child.  They say you can do everything you did prior to pregnancy, so lifting shouldnt be too much of a concern.  Bath time was hard towards the end, but that is what daddies are for, to help.  If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or concerned for your unborn babies safety, dont do it.  I have a 16 month old and carry her around.  She can walk, and I am encouraging her to do more of that on her own, but I still like to cuddle!

  2. my toddler is 16kg and i am 30 weeks.. i carry him allot and he is always kicking me and hitting me or throwing tantrums..

    when i was pregnant to him i did allot more lifting due to travel and moving houses


  3. you can lift your little fatty as long as it does not cause you pain i have a 50lb. 4 year old and i make sure i lift her once a day not to carry or hold but just to make sure she feels loved at other times i call her to me and let her sit on my lap i know this is different because she is older but one you need to stop that kid from kicking he is old enough to be taught manners and kicking is a no no and as for tantrums when he does this talk too him and put him to bed or time out for two minutes

  4. im a mum of 4,, so as u can imagine i always had toddlers while pregnant

    so many times i was kicked during nappy changes,, had to carry toddlers all the time,, i had spotting throughout all my pregnancies,, and all the strain and lifting didnt give me a miscarriage either

    youd have to lift something realllllly heavy and strain your body to actually affect your uterus

    daily lifting of toddlers, washing baskets, shopping bags is fine xxxxxxxx

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