
Mothers: When delivering your child, with all the pushing, did you accidentally flatulate/defecate enormously?

by  |  earlier

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And what was the doctor's reaction - repulsion or acceptance?




  1. The first time I was 14 giving birth to twins. Before that they had given me an e***a and I didn't poo. The second time I was 16, alone at home and gave birth alone. I pooed but the pain from the birth made me forget about it. Later I just cleaned.

  2. Yes and the doctor doesn't even bat an eye. It's normal and he's used to it.

  3. I did, and it is normal.  Midwife and doctor didn't even mention it.

  4. I ended up with a c-section. But I went to pre-natal classes, and they say that it is normal and everyone does it and it doesnt bother anyone, the nurse will throw a cloth or something over it and forget all about it.

  5. im not  a mom, but ive heard of that before.

    how embarressing..

  6. yes and i had no idea about it until my hubby told me afterwards

  7. OBGYN's are used t this.  it happens more often than you think.  that is why they make you use the restroom before delivery.  Some will even give you a suppository if you are having trouble going.

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