I have a 22 month old son.I been working with him on potty training. (dont shun me and say it is too soon... cause i have heard it before) I am potty training him. I need to know a few things. He has peed and poo pooed in the potty, he does not seem to mind doing either. My problem, I take him in the bathroom and set him on the potty and he screams... he will cry for about 10 min and then when he is silent i go check on him and he has gone to the bathroom. (i am right in the other room where he cant see me) I tell him awesome and YAY and then we (together) flush them in the toilet. Does anyone know why he might be crying? It is not like he is being pinched or hurt, he just cries. If i sit in there he tells me down down.i dont think he wants to be on the toilet. but then he is happy he went. With out ques from me he will say YAY when he pees when i take him off to check. so he knows WHY he is sitting there, he just cries.
Also... has anyone tried the boxers type pull ups for boys? how about the feel cool type pull ups? Is there any tips i should know of?
anything you have tried will be nice. I would like to know what works the best. or things people tried that I can try. Thanks ahead of time.