
Mothers With Boys? ?

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I have a 22 month old son.I been working with him on potty training. (dont shun me and say it is too soon... cause i have heard it before) I am potty training him. I need to know a few things. He has peed and poo pooed in the potty, he does not seem to mind doing either. My problem, I take him in the bathroom and set him on the potty and he screams... he will cry for about 10 min and then when he is silent i go check on him and he has gone to the bathroom. (i am right in the other room where he cant see me) I tell him awesome and YAY and then we (together) flush them in the toilet. Does anyone know why he might be crying? It is not like he is being pinched or hurt, he just cries. If i sit in there he tells me down down.i dont think he wants to be on the toilet. but then he is happy he went. With out ques from me he will say YAY when he pees when i take him off to check. so he knows WHY he is sitting there, he just cries.

Also... has anyone tried the boxers type pull ups for boys? how about the feel cool type pull ups? Is there any tips i should know of?

anything you have tried will be nice. I would like to know what works the best. or things people tried that I can try. Thanks ahead of time.




  1. He's probably just scared. If you insist on forcing him to potty train then you should at least sit in the bathroom with him or sit right outside the door where he can see you. He's not necessarily too young to potty train, but because he cries for 10 min, I don't think he's ready OR he just wants you in there with him. My son is barely 20 months old and he does not cry when he is put on the potty.

  2. My boys and girls were all potty trained before they turned two.  So I think it is great you are doing this.  Some tips.  Get cheerios and put in his potty and have him try to pee in the hole of the cheerios.  (Make sure he doesn't reach down and eat them, uck......been there done that, lol!).  Another thing is my boys thought it was really cool to pee on a tree in the summer.  I know it sounds like a bad habit but it really isn't.  A friend of mine is a pediatrician and it was actually her idea.  The boys thought that was really cool and it gets them use to peeing without a diaper.  Anyway, just a couple boy tricks.  Good luck!

  3. He might be crying cause you are not in the room with him? I put my son on the potty every 20 minutes and would wake him up at 6am to go potty and then take him back to bed...he was full potty trained in 2 weeks with no accidents at night...but this was right after his 3rd daughter just turned 2 then end of June and I haven't potty trained her yet...I'm planning on starting during Christmas break...

  4. Maybe he already has a fear of heights. Get him a child's potty.

  5. try getting him a small stool and letting him stand.  he won't feel like he is being made to do something-he is controlling the situation. just make sure the stool is high enough , where his weanie is at the right height, and don't let him put the lid down when he is done, he might smash it (im not kidding), make sure he knows to pull his pants up and get down from the stool, first.

    also, try colored fruit loops and make it a game, hit the fruitloop.  that also helps with him controlling where his pee is going so he learns that it needs to get in the toliet, not all over the back and the floor.

    the cereal was the trick for me.

    i dont think it is too early at all, all kids are different. if he is going in the toilet, then he is ready. when he poops, of course h**l have to sit down, but he will know the difference.

    funny thing:: one of my sons used to sit on the toliet backwards. he knew he was supposed to pee that way, so he would scoot on the toilet to p**p that way too, lol!!

    pull ups don't really matter, they all work the same way, let him pick them out.

  6. Had he ever fallen in the toilet?My son was moving along great and then he fell in the toilet it slowed down the process until I bought him a potty chair then he felt more comfortable.Have you tried to "sink the cheerio"its where he pees on it and then it sinks my son loved this!

  7. I have a 2 year old son  that is potty training as well (I've heard the too young thing too) and he is starting to catch on really well. However, it didn't take me long to realize that the normal-size potty made him feel a bit overwhelmed. I got him his own potty and he is doing alot better. It even makes music when he goes to let him (and me) know that he was successful! It's great! And, we haven't tried the boxer-type or the cool feel but, the kind we use has a tractor on them. And, when he wets them the wheels on the tractor goes away. So we make it a big deal to keep the wheels and make it to the bathroom. It's very hard to get this right and I have had tons of questions myself but, he will keep getting better and better. And, for the people who tell you that it's too early, I always say to them "My son decides when he is ready and he has showed signs of being ready now. I will not hinder him from using the potty only because of his age." Seems to work for me. Good Luck to you and I hope I could help. You could email me if you like. :)

  8. I've trained my two sons.  Most likely he is crying solely because he doesn't want to sit there, be interrupted from whatever he was playing or doing.  My boys just disliked sitting still.  What I did with my sons is keep a basket of books and small toys that he could use while sitting on the toilet.  That helped me tremendously.  I also stayed in the bathroom with them - it was comforting to them and we'd chat or sing songs which helped pass the time until they went to the bathroom

    I only used pullups at night - never during the day.  I found they trained much faster if I went cold turkey and put them straight in underwear.  Sure it meant cleaning up several accidents the first day or two, but after that was smooth sailing.  I did find with my boys (I also trained a daughter) - that they needed reminding for a while to use the bathroom.

    It took them a little while before they'd initiate going to the bathroom on their own.

    I hope this helps, good luck!!
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