
Mothers/fathers, if your 16 year old son had ...?

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s*x with his hot 25 yr old teacher (remember that teacher in tampa that did that?) how would you react? would you be upset? would you be envious (guys)?

i know if it was the other way around i'd put a serious beating on the guy but in this case i would be more inclined to give my son a congratulatory slap on the head and say good job.

yes it's a double standard but i'm curious to see if there's a difference between how the mothers out there feel versus the fathers.




  1. That is completely illegal. I would be completely against it. This is his teacher. This is someone who should be protecting him, and someone he should feel safe with. Do not tell me having s*x with her made him feel safe because that is bull. She is supposed to be watching out for his well being and in having s*x with him she is not doing her job at all. I do not agree with this at all!! I would be very upset. I would be upset with him but more so with the teacher.  

  2. I would talk to my son and try to make sure he doesn't get attatched to the teacher.  (i.e. not thinking he is in love with her and making sure the teacher isn't messing with his head)  

    A male has to learn somewhere how to please a woman so why not a older woman? (that you don't have to pay by the hour)

    Then I would take him out for a steak dinner and celebrate!  

  3. I would probably be angry at first but then I'd be like, "you go boy." I know it's a double standard because I'd be upset if I had a daughter...

    It's weird and unfair but it is what it is.  I would definitely be angry first.  Call me a bad mother but I'd probably look back and laugh about it.  Of course, it depends on the circumstance in which it took place.

  4. Ooouuuu.  Interesting.  I'm a father of 2 daughters 8-10.  However, my wife was once an unmarried 25 year old teacher.  I can absolutely see how it happens... you put a hot horny single teacher in a room with hot horny young men and somewhere, probably every week in the USA, some of them are going to get it on.

    I'd say it's a problem, but mostly legal.  First I'd find out if anyone knows and I'd wipe that clean.  Maybe need to hire some people to take care of that.  If nobody knows, I'd tell the kid definately not do it again.  (although, man I'd LOVE to go to conferences and see the teacher).  I would probably not do anything else, because even though you want to tell the teacher it was wrong, every time you bring up the subject you get yourself involved and potentially more in trouble.  

    If it happened a second time, I'd confront the teacher in private with a warning. If it happened a third time, I'd tell the principal.  But by then, I'd also have whipped the kid with a broomstick.

  5. I would be just as upset.

    I would report her to the school board and then I would send my son for a few weeks of therapy.

    A 16 year old and a 25 year old teacher not matter how "hot" she is is crossing boundaries.

  6. well i will be so upset! i will also be beating on the guy but most of all i will be talking to him telling him how easy is to caught a disease from someone that is oldest and have sleep  around with who know how many other guys! my husband will say good job that's my boy ! hi 5! stupid  but true

  7. I am a guy.  I have girls.  But I am gonna tell you this.  What happens if he gets her pregnant or he gets STD's.  Think about it.

  8. i dont mind my daughter having s*x when she is older but if i have a son i never want him to have s*x. Girls can trap boys and make babies this has happened to loads of people i know. girls can control whether they have a baby, whether they purposely get pregnant etc.

    My mum didnt mind me having s*x but she hates my brother having s*x. if my daughter wanted s*x with her boyfriend when she gets older he can stay over but i dont know if i will let my son. you can educate your girl to use contraception and they mature quicker with lads no way hose not in my house. Majority of girls are streetwise and know what they are doing. I knew all about stds, pregnancy etc from when i was about 10. my brotehr didnt know that if you dont ejaculate inside a girl she can still get pregnant till last year and he was 19!!! Boys shouldnt be allowed s*x younger.

    All my girl mates where allowed boys round but they were often older when we were younger. my husband was never allowed a girl to sleep round until he was old enough to meet me at 18 whereas his mum also was when she was younger.

    (i live in England and girls usually lose virginity 13 - 15 boys are about 16)

    Where I am mothers are wary about their sons havig s*x but their daughters can do it more cause they are more mature. Its just the way it is. Anyone when you are younger all girls have s*x with the older guys gain the experience and then teach the lads their own age, all me and my girl mates have been through that stage when you are out drinking and you are young and horny, its just being young.

    I do feel sorry for boys as i had my ex sleep round and always went out with guys and then met my husband and no one ever said anything to me. Everytime my brother leaves the house they are going on about is his girlfriend/some random pregnant. I could have s*x with who i like, unfair but thats the way of the world

  9. Well... I am the mother of a 16 year old son and can say I would be extremely upset. In fairness to you, I can honestly say my husband would be more than a little bit proud of the fact his son "scored" with a hot older woman. He would probably not let our son know this because he would have to suffer the the wrath of me!!! haha  The whole double standard thing is alive and well in our home. We also have a 12 year old daughter who in her fathers eyes will not even go on her first date til she is 32!!  

    You really are not any different than most guys, some would never admit it but 99 percent would be a little proud and alot envious of their son!!!!  

    Have a swell day!!!

  10. Lucy and I are on the same team.

    She would be in a cell somewhere close to me, because I would be in jail for assaulting her.

  11. As a mother of a son I would not congratulate him in any way. You must have a constant dialogue with your children about what is and is not appropriate. I would make sure she is put in jail and never taught again. It is sad that she had such low self esteem that she had to prey on little children to make herself feel better.  

  12. Oh, she'd get a beat down.  

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