
Mothers of young children... what do you do for exercise?

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How do you find time to work out?




  1. i walk with ruby on me -- meaning, when she was smaller, i walked with her in the bjorn. we live in a city with lots of hills, so this has been an amazing workout. now that she is bigger (13 months, 19 pounds), i wear her in the beco carrier on my back. when she naps, i do weights -- alternating muscle groups. the weights can be done in 15 minutes a day. we also just bought an exercise bike since ruby is getting too old to always be in the carrier, and i'll do that when she naps. yes, this means other things don't get done during nap time. it's hard to prioritize, but i usually have exercise at the top. it's a tough juggling act, for sure.

  2. I wear my baby!! I wear him and don't use a pram and we go walking together. I was 80kg when I got pregnant and now I am 64kg.

    yay for wearing your baby (not in a bjorn those things are no good for your kid! I love the kozy carrier and the Storch wrap and the Ergo)

  3. I go to the YMCA here in my town, they have a child care room with lots of fun stuff for my 1 & 2 yr old to for my 6 yr old, she "works out" with me sometimes, or goes to the big kid karate classes. I also walk with the two little ones in the stroller while my six yr old rides her bike. I alsdo chase all of them all day long and up and down the stairs in a two sotry i get plenty of exercise!!

  4. I have a 6 week old baby and this is what I do.

  5. I only have one son (21 months) but I work full time, plus some.  So I don't have time to work out.

    I make sure that whenever I'm playing with my son, I'm "actively" playing... not just watching with my hands on my hips, or sitting down driving a little truck with him.  I get up and race him or push him on the swing, or his bike.  I encourage him to play... or while he is playing I make sure I'm doing something like gardening or hanging up clothes.

    I guess I'm just saying that I do my best not to sit down very often!  Haha... I could definitely lose a few lbs, but that is more because of my eating habits, not my lack of moving around.

    EDIT:  And by the way, we only watch tv about 4 hours a week!  Yes, a week.  :)

  6. I walk!  Miles and miles and miles, with my toddler in the stroller.  It's not a total body workout, but a) since we live in an urban area, it's incredibly practical; b) the fresh air and chance to spot squirrels is good for my kiddo, too; c) we save a fortune on gas by walking the two miles to the library, grocery store, etc.

    Then I also do a bunch of upper body exercises with a pair of 5-lb. weights.  Because I can pick them up and do a few whenever I have time - when the laundry is drying, when I'm watching TV, whatever - I find that I get in a pretty decent workout over the course of a week.

    I've also taken yoga classes, but getting out the door to the studio can be a huge project, so I'm not doing it right now.

  7. I normally go to the gym 3 days a week.  On those days I run 3-5 miles, and then lift weights.  2-3 other days a week I either go for a longer (5-8 mile) run or swim laps.

    I don't seem to have any trouble finding time.  I usually go in the morning on the way to work.

    We are building an exercise room in our home right now (with weight lifting equipment, 2 machines - a treadmill and an elliptical, exercise ball, and some mats for stretching - I can't wait till the construction is done - it will be much more convenient (and less noisy!).

  8. I get up at 6:00 in the morning, when my kids are still sleeping, and jog around a local park for about an hour. I get home at 7:15 and thats when my kids wake up. perfect!

  9. this is what I did after my son turned 4mths old, and I felt ready and able to work out.

    200 crunches

    50 leg stretches

    20 squats

    50 arm and shoulder stretches

    on top of always carrying my son, tossing him in the air a few times per day, and walking everywhere.

    I'm now pregnant again, and can't do alot, but I carry my son, and play with him whenever I can, and also walk everywhere as much as possible.

  10. The Hokey Pokey. That's the first thing we do every morning, then she does yoga with me, and we dance.

  11. I dont have time to work out. I think that chasing after my 2 year old all day long is enough work out for me. :)

  12. I go to a gym that offers child care.

  13. Put the little one in a stroller and go walking/jogging.

  14. Just push them around in the stroller for an hour or two. That's a great workout! If your children are running around the house all day maybe that's another good workout...chasing them :)

    Good Luck,


  15. I think your question contains your answer.

    I stay thin and in shape by chasing a two year old around all day!

  16. dad to look after.

  17. take care of ur children, HA

  18. I used to babysit for a family with two young children.  I'd come over at about 8:30 am and I'd watch the kids til 1 pm.

    The mother would go cycling during that time.  And she would set out a bit of a schdule for me, so I made sure the kids got some play time, some snacks, some craft time, etc.

    Try looking for a responsible, young teen to babysit a few days a week.

    Or give the kids to Grandma and Grandpa for a few hours.  I'm sure they would be delighted to spend some time with your little ones!

  19. When my 11 month old takes his first nap in the morning, I put in a 20 minute workout video that kicks my butt, then hop in the shower and get ready for the day.  We also go for a walk to the park on occasion.

    It is really tough to find time to workout and get things done around the house.  He gets up at 5:30, takes two one hour naps, and goes to bed at 8:30!  I am so exhausted by the end of the day!!

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