This is based off of Julie J's question, when I read the answers to if a father should sign his rights away out of love, I was confused.
I am female, and I can choose whether or not I want to be a mother at anytime. I can have a baby and leave it at a hospital, or fire station. I can just get an abortion. I can give them up for adoption at anytime for any reason. These fathers never get the right to be the father in these situations. Why is that okay?
Woman and men who do not want to be together end up having a child accidentally. The mother wants the baby and keeps it. That is her choice, but she has a choice. She then takes the father to court for a DNA test, and he now has to support and visit a child he did not want a part of. First off, that is not healthy for the child, andWHY DOES A WOMAN GET A CHOICE BUT A MAN DOES NOT?????????? Woman use a children as pawns for money, or to hold on to what they can't have. WHY?