
Mothers who have had their babys was there a thing that actually worked

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to induce labor? like s*x heavy walking( accupressure accupuncture would u reccommend paying for it? )castor oil eggplant curry etc. What were all of your experiences and how soon after did your baby come? I am 39 weeks and panicking I want it to end so bad!




  1. I did just about EVERYTHING to make my labor start with my youngest. I ate mexican food, had s*x, and walked until I could barely move ( on my due date). I ate pineapple til my tongue was raw, drank castor oil and OJ til I could not do it anymore. He was still 2 days late!the day of my due date (halloween) I took my older 2 kids trick -or-treating...I must have walked several miles and was in agony when we got home, but once I sat down I was fine. The next night I went out and ate tons of mexican food, then went home and basically told hubby "do me. I know I won't enjoy it, but do me". he did...and 2 hours later I rolled over and my water broke!

  2. I was told to do squats in the shower, helps the baby to drop.  Also I know it's a fact that walking helps bring on labor. I would not recommen castrol oil.  My cousin did it, and she was on the toilet all day, and labor either.  With my first son, my husband and I had s*x the last week and he ### inside of me, that's supposed to help...and I went into labor the 4th day of trying it, my water broke.  But, the squats actually seemed to help out a lot.  The baby dropped and I was 3cm dialated at 37 weeks.  

  3. Nothing worked for me. You could try eating pineapple. (I only found out about this after i had the baby). I was induced at 41 weeks and 6 days. I believe it will come in it's own time. Hang in there!

  4. Nothing worked for me. I was too scared to try castor oil, but I pretty much did everything else.

    Sorry this isn't the answer you want, but you have to just wait it out.

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