
Mothers who smoked while they were pregnant..?

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I know they say that smoking causes low birth weight. I was wondering if you smoked during pregnancy what your baby weighed at birth and if they had any complications.

I smoked while I was pregnant with both my kids. Not a pack a day or 5-7 cigarettes a day. My daughter is 21 months old, she 8 lbs. 6 oz. 20 in. at birth. She was perfectly healthy and has had only 2 minor colds since she was born. My son is 6 months old, he was 8 lbs. 7 oz. 21 in. at birth. He was also perfectly healthy and has never been sick yet. They both gain weight normally and are very happy/smart babies.




  1. See, it does work. All you have to do is cut back. Listen to the Dr, not these non smokers. I was pregnant 3 times, and all 3 of my kids were born healthy, and I also cut back to 5-7 a day, after smoking a pack and a half a day. My Dr. told me to cut back because quitting could put stress on me and harm the baby. I said no problem. ; )

    He was right, and my kids benefited from it.  

  2. Honestly it disgust me when I see or hear of a pregnant woman smoking. Consider your babies lucky... I just don't understand how women can do it KNOWING the risk that CAN sometimes happen, it's not worth it.

    I was a smoker prior to becoming pregnant and quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant and still had complications through out pregnancy.

  3. i smoked less than 5 a day during my pregnancy.. my son was 6 lbs 12 oz.  he has been on a nebulizer since he was 3 months old, had pnuemonia twice, bronochitis numerous times, and a million ear infections.  but my pediatrician has told me its not due to my smoking its b/c all  these conditions are very  prevelant  in my family so...who knows!  he gains weight normally and always has and he is VERY VERY intelligent!

  4. Well its good to hear you got lucky. It can also cause astma and ear infections in the child which can show up later in life and can increase the chance of SIDs espeicially if you are still smoking around the children.  

  5. Youre lucky..but you should be ashamed.

  6. You have no idea what the long terms effects are going to be on your babies.  Your babies are so young, they are in no means "in the clear" for being healthy.  

    I hope you are done having babies.

  7. I smoked some where around 5 cigs a week.  My son was born weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz.  21 1/2 in.  long.  He is now very healthy 6 month old who has never been sick..... and now weighs 20 lbs.  

  8. Anecdotal data - that is to say, personal experiences - aren't very meaningful in this area. There is no way anyone can know how much bigger or how much healthier a child might have been if mom wasn't smoking through her pregnancy. No one knows what the long-term effects of exposure to the chemicals in cigarette smoke in the womb might one day prove to be.

    It is very important to understand that no one should smoke, period. No one should smoke around children, period. (If you're still smoking, for the sake of your childrens' lungs, stop!) No one should smoke when pregnant, period.

    If some women got lucky and have healthy children despite engaging in dangerous, destructive and selfish behavior, that's good for their children, but it doesn't change the objective, scientifically proven fact that it is an unacceptable risk to take with your child's wellbeing.

  9. My mum smoked while she was pregnant with me and I still weighed 9lbs... I wasn't a sick baby, but I was diagnosed with asthma at 12. Although, it was most likely caused from being around her while she was smoking, not during the pregnancy.

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