
Mothers who use diaper genies. Help?

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Are they really incompatible?




  1. Ditto to the others about the incompatibility. I would recommend the Diaper Genie 2. That's what we have and it's awesome. We change it out about once a week, sometimes a few days more, and I never once got a foul, puke-inducing smell from it. I do breastfeed which tends to produce sweeter smelling poops (not odor free by any means, but not as stinky as formula poops). Anyway, we love it. The way it works is much different from the #1 model. The way the bag dispenser works is really neat I think. Very convenient way to toss the poopoos!

  2. THe first picture is the Diaper Genie, which comes with a load of plastic baggies that are shown in picture number two.

    I never used the dipaer genie... I found it much easier to toss diapers inthe trash and throw it out at the end of the day.  Once my daughter had solid poops, I would flush them and then toss the diaper.  You wouldn't believe how disgustingly stinky those diaper genies get after weeks of storing dirty dipers!!!  You'll gag and puke (I did anyway).

  3. yes, they are incompatible.  i am able to find refills for both (i have both kinds..i have 2 babies, 18 months apart and got a genie1 and a genie2 at separate baby showers..) at my wal mart store as well as at babies r us.

    i can only find the 2 refills @ kmart. they do not have the 1 refills. my grocery store, Acme, has the 1 refills but not the 2 refills.

    it is really random.

    i hope this helped!

  4. The diaper genie refills you are showing on the link belond to the diaper genie 1.

    Yes they are def incompatible.

  5. diaper jeanies and their refills have to be conpatible with whichever diaper jeanie you have.  if you have the jeanie 1 you have to get the jeanie 1 refills, if you have jeanie 2, you have to get those refills, they are different heights and widths.  i like my jeanie.  i have used both the 1st and the 2nd.  i think that they both work great in keeping odors down.  the only downside is the refills are expensive.  almost $6 every month id say.  

  6. yes they are incompatible....but just so you know. we bought a diaper genie with baby number 1 and it was the BIGGEST waste of money ever. we never even used a whole roll of the refill....i would spend the money on something else for the baby. but thats just my opinion.  

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