
Mothers with twins how did you feel during your pregnancy?

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I am 8 weeks pregnant and have a very strong feeling that I may have twins on the way. They run on in both my family and my partners family. I wondering if they will skip a generation and if I myself may have them. Did any of you know before your scan that you were carrying twins? Ofcourse I wont know anything for sure untill have my twelve week scan. I don't mind if I do have twins. Quite excited about the idea!




  1. I was certain from the very beginning Iwas pregnant with twins.  However, my doctor convinced me I wasn't.  She said my uterus was normal size and there was one heartbeat.  You can imagine my surprise that at 20 weeks, I saw two little heads on the ultrasound! My twins are now four years old!

  2. Your partner having twins in his family will have absolutely no bearing on whether or not twins are conceived.  A very simple explanation for this is that the male only provides the sperm, whereas, the female is the one who either ovulates two eggs (fraternal twins) or one egg that splits (identical twins).  Make sense?  

    That said, if the twins in your family are fraternal, then you have a hereditary chance of having twins.  This is because hyper-ovulation (ovulating two or more eggs at a time) may be an inherited gene.  Hence, the appearance of several sets of fraternal twins throughout many generations in some families.  Not sure if the “skipping a generation” idea is quite accurate, as it never seems to happen consistently enough.


    Identical twins happen randomly throughout the population without rhyme or reason.  In fact, the scientific community still has no explanation for why one egg spontaneously splits in half.

    I don‘t have any twins on my side of the family, so I really never thought about the possibility of having twins myself.  It came as a total surprise when the doctor saw two babies during my first ultrasound at around 8 weeks.  I went on to have identical twin boys.

    Hope this was helpful....

    Best of luck to you!

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