
Moths in the house - Helpp!?

by  |  earlier

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Recently, there have been many moths in our house. First, they started out in the bathroom and now they are pretty much in every room. Theres about 5-6 in the bathroom everydayy, even after killing them. And lately, Ive saw a few downstairs too. They are pretty small, and brownish. I cant figure out whre they are coming from though, they just are on the walls whenever I see them. Any suggestions on how exactly to get rid of them, or what can help that will attract them to something that you can put in a room? I never had this problem before, this is the first time in 18 years in this house.




  1. hmm, id have to say buy those lamps that shock them and put a bag underneith it. put one or two in the areas that u see them the most

  2. The first step, you need to take is checking for a way the moths get into the house. Make sure to do a check from the bottom of the house up checking for any possible way the moths can get into your house. Seal all holes. The next step is to kill a possible food source in your house. Cloth may be used as food for moths, so secure all of them up into compressed large plastic bags. Make sure to shut the bags so the moths can't get through and use a vacuum to suck out all the possible air for anything to breath. Before storing all cloth like shirts and towels, check each of them individually for caterpillars. Also clean the house, making sure food particles are no where and keep all food secured in plastic bags, so nothing can get into them.

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