
Motion Blur and Pixelation on New HDTV Problem?

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I have a 46'' samsung hdtv lcd and I notice there is bad motion blur at times and pixelation especially when watching basketball on HD channels. When the people move quickly the whole body becomes pixelly for a second and you can see a whole bnch of squares. Also when playing madden on xbox 360, the motion blur is real bad and even gives me headaches. Should I return it for a better brand/model or is this normal?

BTW I use all the neccesary cables used for hdtv and hd channels




  1. It sounds like the response time is slow. Being aSamsung set I find this very surprising. Response time is the amount of time taken by the individual pixels to respond to colour changes, in turn showing movement. I would return the set and have it checked out or replaced.

  2. I haven't noticed that on my HDTV, LCD. I do agree with s**y Chica they now have LCD TVs with faster pix, but they are about $1000.00 higher. I understand Plasma doesn't have that problem, but they use twice the power & last half as long as LCD. You may check back at the store & see if it's just that TV..

  3. return it for a 120 hz processor. Virtually eliminates motion blur, but costs much more. Or you can live with the one you have.  These are common complaints with lcd tvs. Plasma doesnt have this problem

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