
Motion is: marriage with in family members.?

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I need your positive answer about this motion and i need your deep explanation. Give me a pro answer. please Cause I really need your opinion.




  1. You cannot marry family members related by blood.

    You can marry a family member that is adopted or is a step relative because you are not directly related by blood.

  2. Marriage within family members is called INCEST.  Google it.  It's wrong on so many different levels.  Children born of incest can have severe mental and physical problems.  It's just not's gross...sickening!  I've never met anyone that I'm related to that I've even remotely thought about in a marital way and would seek counseling if that were ever to arise, God forbid.  God has a mate for everyone in the world...find yours, but don't look at family reunions!  There's plenty of fish in the sea!

    God's blessings on you and yours!

  3. Move to the hills of Kentucky,,,,,,,,,,positive enough

  4. it's nasty and inappropriate and can cause SEVERE birth defects if they conceive a child. Just say no and stay away from family reunions.

  5. Marriage to first cousins increase the chance of birth defects and retardation by 10 %, marriage to sibling or parent increases the chances to 30%.

    The reason is defective genes are normally recessive in a person. You don't display effects from recessive genes. Some recessive genes are passed on the the children.

    When a baby receives the same recessive gene from both parents, the recessive gene is reinforced. Instead of staying recessive, they become dominant, and the baby will display the defect caused by the recessive gene becoming dominant.

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