Hey guys! I really need help because I'm going on a flight from Houston to LA to Taipei to Malaysia. All flights just to get me to Malaysia. Now this'll be one h**l of a long flight so I need to prepare for what will happen. Every plane trip I've taken since after I turned 4 (Before that I never was sick) I've been vomiting every couple of hours or so. Turbulence just makes it worse. When there is no turbulence, I'm just sitting on my seat, drooling, and cursing the existence of motion-sickness. It is torture. How do I prevent this? My mom says it's a psychological thing and I believe that's half true. Even when the plane has no turbulence, I still vommit because of the air. I hate breathing air plane air and that makes me feel sick too. It upsets my stomach. What do I do to STOP this? Thanks.