
Motion to appt guardian ad litem question

by  |  earlier

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my fiance moved a motion to modify his custody (to get more time with his kids). we went to the hearing last week, and his ex wifes lawyer and the ex want to have a guardian ad litem appointed, so they moved a motion for that. my fiance does not have an attorney and wants to argue not to appt the GAL, or if one does get appointed, that it is a different one then the one they had during the divorce, because she was friends with his ex... anyway, he is away in italy on vaca with the kids, and we got the motion calander in the mail... it looks as if he is supposed to be in court this monday the 11th to see if the motion will even go forward, but his ex knows he is out of the country and we would like to have the date moved... i called the court and they told me i would have to contact her attorney, but i have no idea where she is... i found a name in a nearby city that is most likely her, however, there is no phone #.. i am waiting for my fiance to return my call, but until then, anyone have any idea what i can do? will i need to go to court for him and explain that he is out of the country and request a continuence in his behalf, or will i have to (ugh) talk to his ex wife? anyone been through this?




  1. yes and i wasnt able to do anything seeing as how i was not the childs parent you the attorneys name should be on paperwork and you can look it up on the internet

  2. There is nothing really wrong with a guardian ad litem.  It just takes the parents out of it and appoints someone to work in the best interest if the kids.  I almost did this with my ex-wife.  

    Find out the case number and you should be able to find out her contact information from any attorney.

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