
Motivated person in karate how soon can achieve the black belt?

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Motivated person in karate how soon can achieve the black belt?




  1. This is one question that keeps on popping up on this forum, but here goes:

    Personally I think this depends on each and every individual, everybody is different so therefore, how can we expect everybody to achieve a black belt within the same or minimum amount of time?

    Getting a black belt is not intended to be easy. The black belt is an esteemed symbol of a person's technical skill and martial arts knowledge and is something to be proud of achieving. Ultimately, the time it takes to get your black belt should not be your primary concern. Your focus should centre on improving your karate skills and on improving yourself as a person. By doing this it will only be a matter of time before you reach your desired black belt goal and it will not matter to you whether it takes 3 years or 6 years. All that will matter is that you accomplished your goal!

    For example somebody that trains for one hour a week within in the same club for 5 years would not be as experienced as somebody who trains everyday for 3 years. In my opinion I think that to achieve a black belt grade a student's full experience should be considered. A shodan should have shown a serious commitment not only to their club but also by participating in courses run by different clubs and senseis. Entering competitions also increases a students experience as does teaching other students.

    For myself achieving a black belt in wado ryu is not just about working through a syllabus, it's about gaining all these experiences and building on them to develop a greater understanding of martial arts.

    I also think that its important to understand that a shodan grade is just the beginning, its a milestone that is accepted by other martial artists that you have reached an acceptable standard and have demonstrated a basic level of commitment. It is from this grade on that the real learning begins as you not only have the opportunity to practise but also develop the techniques that were introduced by the grandmasters. It also becomes your responsibility to teach new students, maintain high standards and ensuring that the traditional elements of martial arts do not become lost in the commercialism of society today.

    Read the article below to inspire you:

  2. At my school if you are really motivated and you attend classes about 5 days a week you can usually achieve black belt in around 3 years.

    If you aren't so motivated & you only go maybe once a week it would obviously take longer.

  3. It depends...

    Do you just want to get a black belt?

    (Go to a McDojo.)


    Do you actually want to LEARN and BETTER YOURSELF along the way?

    (This can take up to 10 years of steady, hard work.)

  4. 4-8 years....and only for 1st Dan(or is it 10th?)'s no clear indicator of strength though, so don't focus on the Black Belt focus on learning as much as possible. and I know you Karatekas have to do forms to pass a level, but don't memorize many so that you can get a higher rank, perfect every form you do, if you do that, then with one mastered white belt form, you can take down a black belt with 100 crude forms. "I fear the 1 technique you have practiced 1000 times than the 1000 techniques you have practiced 1 time."

  5. karate black belts mean nothing they give them to little kids it's all up to the teachers descretion

  6. I'd say around 2-3 years.

  7. depending on the style of karate and your instrutor it should be 2-5 years. but a lot of the time u can cut it down by doing more lessons a week and doing your own seperate training.

  8. You people are into giving away black belts.

    I eliminated all colored rank in my class. You remain a white belt for no less then 6 years.

    Your motivation will not determine how soon I award you the privilege of wearing a Black Belt.

  9. each individual is different. i believe any school should test you when you're ready....not on a set schedule.

    i dont believe in handing out belts like candy...but i dont believe in holding people back if theyre ready to move on either.

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