My stepson is 12 and in 6th grade. He lived with his biological mom until he was nearly 9. She did not stress to him the importance of doing well in school, studying or doing homework - - basically school was free daycare to her. She was and is also a terrible liar. As a result, we have struggled continuously with him regarding his homework, studying for tests, etc. Since he is now in middle school, teachers don't check his agenda and hand hold as they did in elementary school. He lies to us about his assignments, tests, etc. We have tried every kind of action and punishment (talking to him, asking him how we can help, taking away computer privileges, grounding him, even spanking him) and nothing seems to work. Additionally, he has ADHD.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I know it's hard to change behavior that's more than just a bad habit, but it's been more than 3 years of constant struggle and I'm at wit's end as to what steps to take.
Thank you in advance!