
Motivating a man to do housework?

by Guest63331  |  earlier

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serious question, I go to work and usually find the few jobs I've asked him to do not done, or either that we will be sorting through bills and I'll ask him to put them away and usually find the paperwork stuffed in a cupboard, when asked what he does the whole time I'm at work he usually says he's been playing his playstation or watching tv, it's creating a lot of stress for me as the issue never seems to get resolved, besides from bribery is there anyway I can motivate him to do the housework? he's beginning to get very lazy




  1. s*x works, but not as well as withholding it.

    I'd rather you not view s*x as a commodity, or he may also do so, and pay for it elsewhere.

    One thing that works (it's tough) is to stop doing YOUR chores. Start playing your own video games, and he'll see how much is not getting done.

    In some cases, the deteriorating state of neatness actually bothers the lazy mate, once it gets REALLY bad. They completely go crazy, and clean like h**l.

    I've seen it.

  2. It appears that this guy is just using you.  You go to work while he stays home and plays computer games?  Why do you put up with this?  He's not starting to get lazy - he already is.  You're not this mommy.  Is this the life you really want for yourself?

  3. first of all you don't motivate a man to do housework cause the MAN should be out working to take care of his household and a MAN will not be playing games while his girl is working I suggest getting another partner cause the bottom line here is this so called man you have is still a child and needs a mommies and mommies don't have s*x with their children so stop stressing and tell him to get a life

  4. this whole picture seems messed up to me...he should be doing what your doing (working)

    YOU actually go to work, while HE sits a t home??!?! wow. i'm shocked and speechless.

    .. i think i've got the last of the good men out there...

  5. Set his cloths out each mourning,I prefer those nice house skirts and blouse.When he gets his tasks completed he can change back to the man thing.

    Good Luck on the impossible dream

  6. s*x?

  7. play with his nut sack, you'll at least have your lawn cut

  8. s*x and food.

  9. Maybe one question i would put to him is "Do you enjoy living in a pig sty, because that is what you are making this place" and say "Here i am working earning money to bring into the home, i work hard all day and you expect me to come home to this" and suggest to him that perhaps he should find a  worthwhile job and earn some money in steed of lazing around the house all day doing no more than playing games or watching tv, and just putting paperwork in a cupboard when he could get a proper file box to keep them in. I know a few people have said that s*x is the way to get things done but that is not always the answer, nor should you have to bribe him, also you could mention that there are a few men out there who do appreciate their women and will do things around the home while their woman works, and one i know has done just that. my youngest son who also took care of the two children at the same time and a very good job he did, now they both work and earn good money between them, and that is how a proper relationship should be.

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