
Motivation to go vegetarian?

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I already know I won't be able to go vegan but I am considering becoming a vegetarian. I like meat, but when i think about where it came from... uck... I get this "feeling." I want to change because I love animals and they have feelings too (and being vegetarian is healthier too) - but on the other side, I see that animals were put here as a source of nutrition and its only natural to want to eat meat. I can't find any good research tools. Can someone give me some motivation to change my diet? Links are helpful too.

Oh yea, whats a it called when you eat vegetables and fish but no other kind of meat?




  1. There are levels of vegetarianism.

    For about 20 years I was a fish and dairy vegetarian. Occasionally I’ll eat eggs or food with egg in it. About 5 years ago I developed a sensitivity or allergy to dairy, (stuffy nose, ringing in the ears) so I stopped. I don’t ‘love’ to eat fish. I think it’s ugly, but I’ll do it maybe once a week for the nutrition. If I was a better cook I wouldn’t miss fish or eggs.

    I don’t eat mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, worms etc., not as an emotional response, but a conscious decision.  I can have dinner with friends who are eating red meat and it doesn’t make me sick. I simply choose not to.

    That’s not to say I am not compassionate towards the animals. I have 4 pets, and love animals. I am aware that They have a will to survive. I don’t want to be their enemy.

    I don’t think it is natural to want to eat meat. People only eat it because of two reasons. They have been conditioned to, and it is convenient.

    Awareness if often the best motivation. There are no school field trips to slaughterhouses. Cameras are forbidden. If it’s so ‘natural’ what are they hiding?

    No other food group has so many disguises. ‘Pork’ or ‘ham’ instead of Pig muscle tissue, is just one example. There is no question that meat is a violent ‘food’ source.

    You shouldn’t have much trouble finding good, informative websites if you just do a search.

    Here’s a couple of sites I just found:

  2. It's great that you're interested in going veg. For motivation, I recommend the video Meet Your Meat:  (it takes about 5 seconds to load)

    We can eat meat, but we don't need it to be healthy. Besides artery-clogging cholesterol, there's nothing in meat that we can't obtain from plant foods. Here's a list of veg foods that are high in protein, iron, and calcium:

    Good sites:

    The problems with "free range" / organic meat:

    Information about factory farming:

    General info about vegetarianism:

    Health issues:

    Pescetarian is the name for a person who eats fish and not any other kind of meat.

    Good luck!

  3. Personally, I feel giving up meat for the sole purpose of not liking the idea of animals being killed is not the right reason to give up meat. If you don't like meat or want a healthier lifestyle, that's a better reason. Here's why: 1) most vegetarians who are so on principle alone are not healthy. they are some of the worst eaters I've ever met. they care more about the animals they feel they are protecting than nourishing themselves. 2) There are some important dietary considerations to learn about and not everyone's body is equipped to handle being a vegetarian (despite what other vegetarians may tell you, 3) There's no harm in first trying to cut back and see how your body adjusts. personally, I never liked meat. I first started by not eating red meat and subsisted mostly on chicken and pasta. But then i got sick of chicken too. But my  body does not thrive unless I have some fish in my diet. I've tried all sorts of supplements over many years and I never feel as good as when I have fish at least twice a week. So you should carefully monitor yourself...listen to you body. 4)While treating animals inhumanely is cruel, the demand for meat throughout the whole will always win against any argument for vegetarianism. Until more people understand that they do no need a diet full of meat to subsist, attitudes will not change. veganism is another issue altogether. These folks are extremist and the majority do it for animal rights reasons only. There are many vegetarian resources online, just google vegetarianism. the most important thing is to supplement. B vitamins are very important, B12 in particular as it is only found in meat. I take natrol more than a multiple for women.

  4. Pretty much go to any animal cruelity website and you will want to become a vegitarian.

    But really, I love meat too so I know how hard it must be to try and choose. Here is what I do...just an idea.

    I am not a vegitarian but I only eat  Local organic meats. I will find a local farmer(there are tons, you just have to look) and buy some beef or pork or chicken or eggs from him. All of the animals are raised very healthy and naturally so I dont feel bad eating them, because like you said, yes it is natural for us to eat meat.

    But like I said, just an idea ;)

  5. First, vegetarianism is "natural." People weren't born with razor sharp teeth to shred through a cows. If you believe we were meant to eat animals, you might as well go to a farm and take a chunk out of that cow (not trying to sound rude here).

    And it defenetaly isn't nartural because it isn't healthy. Every thing that is natural is healthy, and you said yourself that being a vegetarian is healthier, thus concluding that meat isn't good for your body.

    (lol I know it may sound like I'm trying to be rude, but I'm really not.)

    Vegetarians who eat fish are called Pescatarians.

    And I don't really have any vegetarian sites on my favorites list =] Soz I wasn't much help.

  6. i think you shjould just eat meat sparingly(only when it's high quality and worth it like a gormet steak or something) and just stay away from the people that blend eyes and ears with their burgers as filling(mcdonald's) and places that put their animals through living h**l to get you that disgustingly greasy meat(KFC) and when the meat is just plain crappy(taco bell).  Try to get a bean burrito instead of a beef taco but when you get a chance for a treat go for that gormet steak or teriaki chicken breast.

    p.s. stay away from eating lobster at restaurants.  The poor fellas get boiled alive.

  7. Follow your feelings on this one. Do you feel guilty eating meat? Unhealthy? Yes, humans evolved to eat meat (some may argue otherwise, but the evidence overwhelmingly suggests so).

    If you feel that eating meat is just not right for you, go ahead and give it up. However, if you see no problem with the principle of eating animals, and are simply opposed to how they are raised, you can just buy from more humane sources. Grass-fed cows are happy, healthy, and able to live incredibly low-stress lives on beautiful pastures. Hens from small, local farmers (ones that live practically as pets), live great lives. Some believe that it is fundamentally wrong to eat meat. Do you? If yes, then go veg. If no, then simply look for more humane ways to procure meat.

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