
Motivation to workout?

by  |  earlier

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so, all i really need is the motivation to work out. some days i would really like to go for a jog around my neighbourhood, but the thought of having to go upstairs, change, and do stretches kills me. (i hope that doesn't make me sound that lazy)

so i was wondering what makes you get off your butt and out the door? Also what would make me have more energy throughout the day?




  1. Well do you have any guys you would like to impress ? Guys love a girl that works out and keeps in shape. Also it will make you feel better about yourself or tell yourself....hmm should i just sit around and do something that doesn't help my body or something thats going to keep me healthy for life ?

  2. Take off your shirt and look in the mirror, that's usually enough motivation for me.

  3. Some motivation would be a greater body,

    a better confidence level,

    or a longer and heathier LIFE.

  4. try working out with a friend or relative. Research does say that having a work out buddy motivates you because you help each other, push each other and challenge each other and also have someone to talk to while working out. good luck.

  5. I don't know if these will work for you but here are my motivations to work out.

    1. I want to stay slim, fit and healthy

    2. I want to look and feel good about myself, my body

    3. I want to feel s**y

    4. I want to maintain my body weight

    5. I don't want to have flabby arms and legs

    6. I don't want to have cellulites appearing anywhere on my body

    That's pretty much it. :-)
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